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Shcherbatenko, M., Lobanov, Y., Kovalyuk, V., Korneev, A., & Gol'tsman, G. N. (2016). Photon counting detector as a mixer with picowatt local oscillator power requirement. In Proc. 27th Int. Symp. Space Terahertz Technol. (110).
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Shcherbatenko, M., Lobanov, Y., Semenov, A., Kovalyuk, V., Korneev, A., Ozhegov, R., et al. (2017). Coherent detection of weak signals with superconducting nanowire single photon detector at the telecommunication wavelength. In I. Prochazka, R. Sobolewski, & R. B. James (Eds.), Proc. SPIE (Vol. 10229, 0G (1 to 12)). Spie.
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Shcherbatenko, M., Lobanov, Y., Semenov, A., Kovalyuk, V., Korneev, A., Ozhegov, R., et al. (2016). Potential of a superconducting photon counter for heterodyne detection at the telecommunication wavelength. Opt. Express, 24(26), 30474–30484.
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Shcherbatenko, M. L., Elezov, M. S., Goltsman, G. N., & Sych, D. V. (2020). Sub-shot-noise-limited fiber-optic quantum receiver. Phys. Rev. A, 101(3), 032306 (1 to 5).
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Shcheslavskiy, V., Morozov, P., Divochiy, A., Vakhtomin, Y., Smirnov, K., & Becker, W. (2016). Erratum: “Ultrafast time measurements by time-correlated single photon counting coupled with superconducting single photon detector” [Rev. Sci. Instrum. 87, 053117 (2016)] (Vol. 87).
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Shcheslavskiy, V., Morozov, P., Divochiy, A., Vakhtomin, Y., Smirnov, K., & Becker, W. (2016). Ultrafast time measurements by time-correlated single photon counting coupled with superconducting single photon detector. Rev. Sci. Instrum., 87, 053117 (1 to 5).
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Sidorova, M., Semenov, A. D., Hübers, H. - W., Ilin, K., Siegel, M., Charaev, I., et al. (2020). Electron energy relaxation in disordered superconducting NbN films. Phys. Rev. B, 102(5), 054501 (1 to 15).
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Sidorova, M. V., Kozorezov, A. G., Semenov, A. V., Korneev, A. A., Chulkova, G. M., Korneeva, Y. P., et al. (2018). Non-bolometric bottleneck in electron-phonon relaxation in ultra-thin WSi film. arXiv:1607.07321v4 [physics.ins-det]. Retrieved September 27, 2024, from
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Sidorova, M. V., Kozorezov, A. G., Semenov, A. V., Korneeva, Y. P., Mikhailov, M. Y., Devizenko, A. Y., et al. (2018). Nonbolometric bottleneck in electron-phonon relaxation in ultrathin WSi films. Phys. Rev. B, 97(18), 184512 (1 to 13).
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Sidorova, M. V., Divochiy, A. V., Vakhtomin, Y. B., & Smirnov, K. V. (2015). Ultrafast superconducting single-photon detector with a reduced active area coupled to a tapered lensed single-mode fiber. J. Nanophoton., 9(1), 093051.
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