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Torgashin, M. Y., Koshelets, V. P., Dmitriev, P. N., Ermakov, A. B., Filippenko, L. V., & Yagoubov, P. A. (2007). Superconducting Integrated Receiver Based on Nb-AlN-NbN-Nb Circuits. IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., 17(2), 379–382.
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Ozhegov, R. V., Okunev, O. V., Gol’tsman, G. N., Filippenko, L. V., & Koshelets, V. P. (2009). Noise equivalent temperature difference of a superconducting integrated terahertz receiver. J. Commun. Technol. Electron., 54(6), 716–720.
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Ozhegov, R. V., Gorshkov, K. N., Vachtomin, Y. B., Smirnov, K. V., Finkel, M. I., Goltsman, G. N., et al. (2014). Terahertz imaging system based on superconducting heterodyne integrated receiver. In C. Corsi, & F. Sizov (Eds.), Proc. THz and Security Applications (pp. 113–125). Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands.
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Ozhegov, R. V., Gorshkov, K. N., Smirnov, K. V., Gol’tsman, G. N., Filippenko, L. V., & Koshelets, V. P. (2010). Terahertz imaging system based on superconducting integrated receiver. In Proc. 2-nd Int. Conf. Terahertz and Microwave radiation: Generation, Detection and Applications (pp. 20–22).
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Ozhegov, R. V., Gorshkov, K. N., Gol'tsman, G. N., Kinev, N. V., & Koshelets, V. P. (2011). The stability of a terahertz receiver based on a superconducting integrated receiver. Supercond. Sci. Technol., 24(3), 035003.
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Mygind, J., Samuelsen, M. R., Koshelets, V. P., & Sobolev, A. S. (2005). Simple theory for the spectral. linewidth of the mm-wave Josephson flux flow oscillator. In Pi-shift Workshop “Physics of superconducting phase-shift devices” (p. 22). Ischia, Italy.
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Koshelets, V. P., Dmitriev, P. N., Ermakov, A. B., Sobolev, A. S., Torgashin, M. Y., Kurin, V. V., et al. (2005). Optimization of the phase-locked flux-flow oscillator for the submm integrated receiver. IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., 15(2), 964–967.
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