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Vodolazov, D. Y., Korneeva, Y. P., Semenov, A. V., Korneev, A. A., & Goltsman, G. N. (2015). Vortex-assisted mechanism of photon counting in a superconducting nanowire single-photon detector revealed by external magnetic field. Phys. Rev. B, 92(10), 104503 (1 to 9).
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Korneeva, Y., Sidorova, M., Semenov, A., Krasnosvobodtsev, S., Mitsen, K., Korneev, A., et al. (2016). Comparison of hot-spot formation in NbC and NbN single-photon detectors. IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., 26(3), 1–4.
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Elezov, M. S., Ozhegov, R. V., Kurochkin, Y. V., Goltsman, G. N., Makarov, V. S., Samartsev, V. V., et al. (2015). Countermeasures against blinding attack on superconducting nanowire detectors for QKD. In EPJ Web Conf. (Vol. 103, 10002 (1 to 2)).
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Murphy, A., Semenov, A., Korneev, A., Korneeva, Y., Gol’tsman, G., & Bezryadin, A. (2014). Dark counts initiated by macroscopic quantum tunneling in NbN superconducting photon detectors. arXiv:1410.7689v2 [cond-mat.supr-con]. Retrieved September 27, 2024, from
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Lusche, R., Semenov, A., Korneeva, Y., Trifonov, A., Korneev, A., Gol'tsman, G., et al. (2014). Effect of magnetic field on the photon detection in thin superconducting meander structures. Phys. Rev. B, 89(10), 104513 (1 to 7).
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