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Gershenzon, E. M., Gol'tsman, G. N., Semenov, A. D., & Sergeev, A. V. (1990). Mechanism of picosecond response of granular YBaCuO films to electromagnetic radiation. Solid State Communications, 76(4), 493–497.
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Semenov, A. D., Gol’tsman, G. N., Gogidze, I. G., Sergeev, A. V., Gershenzon, E. M., Lang, P. T., et al. (1992). Subnanosecond photoresponse of a YBaCuO thin film to infrared and visible radiation by quasiparticle induced suppression of superconductivity. Appl. Phys. Lett., 60(7), 903–905.
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Gershenzon, E. M., Gol’tsman, G. N., Semenov, A. D., & Sergeev, A. V. (1991). Mechanism of picosecond response of granular YBaCuO films to electromagnetic radiation. IEEE Trans. Magn., 27(2), 1321–1324.
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