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Peruzzo, A., Laing, A., Politi, A., Rudolph, T., & O'Brien, J. L. (2011). Multimode quantum interference of photons in multiport integrated devices. Nat. Comm., 2(224), 6.
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Barreiro, J. T. (2011). Quantum physics: Environmental effects controlled. Nat. Phys., 7, 927–928.
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Fuchs, G. D., Burkard, G., Klimov, P. V., & Awschalom, D. D. (2011). A quantum memory intrinsic to single nitrogen–vacancy centres in diamond. Nat. Phys., 7(10), 789–793.
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Hosseini, M., Campbell, G., Sparkes, B. M., Lam, P. K., & Buchler, B. C. (2011). Unconditional room-temperature quantum memory. Nat. Phys., 7(10), 794–798.
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Vishveshwara, S. (2011). Topological qubits: A bit of both. Nat. Phys., 7, 450–451.
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Grinolds, M. S., Maletinsky, P., Hong, S., Lukin, M. D., Walsworth, R. L., & Yacoby, A. (2011). Quantum control of proximal spins using nanoscale magnetic resonance imaging. Nat. Phys., 7(9), 687–692.
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Dada, A. C., Leach, J., Buller, G. S., Padgett, M. J., & Andersson, E. (2011). Experimental high-dimensional two-photon entanglement and violations of generalized Bell inequalities. Nat. Phys., 7(9), 677–680.
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Bylander, J., Gustavsson, S., Yan, F., Yoshihara, F., Harrabi, K., Fitch, G., et al. (2011). Noise spectroscopy through dynamical decoupling with a superconducting flux qubit. Nat. Phys., 7(7), 565–570.
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Baumert, T. (2011). Quantum technology: Wave packets get a kick. Nat. Phys., 7(5), 373–374.
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Toyabe, S., Sagawa, T., Ueda, M., Muneyuki, E., & Sano, M. (2010). Experimental demonstration of information-to-energy conversion and validation of the generalized Jarzynski equality. Nat. Phys., 6(12), 988–992.
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Raussendorf, R. (2010). Quantum computing: Shaking up ground states. Nat. Phys., 6(11), 840–841.
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Bozyigit, D., Lang, C., Steffen, L., Fink, J. M., Eichler, C., Baur, M., et al. (2011). Antibunching of microwave-frequency photons observed in correlation measurements using linear detectors. Nat. Phys., 7(2), 154–158.
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Kumar, S., Wang I. Chan, C., Hu, Q., & Reno, J. L. (2011). A 1.8-THz quantum cascade laser operating significantly above the temperature of ω/kB. Nat. Phys., 7.
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Buchanan, M. (2010). Body of evidence (Vol. 6).
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Mariantoni, M., Wang, H., Bialczak, R. C., Lenander, M., Lucero, E., Neeley, M., et al. (2011). Photon shell game in three-resonator circuit quantum electrodynamics. Nat. Phys., 7(4), 287–293.
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Buchanan, M. (2011). Nothing's impossible (Vol. 7).
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Nevou, L., Liverini, V., Friedli, P., Castellano, F., Bismuto, A., Sigg, H., et al. (2011). Current quantization in an optically driven electron pump based on self-assembled quantum dots. Nat. Phys., 7, 423–427.
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Ma, X. - S., Dakic, B., Naylor, W., Zeilinger, A., & Walther, P. (2011). Quantum simulation of the wavefunction to probe frustrated Heisenberg spin systems. Nat. Phys., 7(5), 399–405.
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Pile, D. (2012). How many bits can a photon carry. Nat. Photon., 6(1), 14–15.
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