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Lusche, R., Semenov, A., Huebers, H. - W., Ilin, K., Siegel, M., Korneeva, Y., et al. (2013). Effect of the wire geometry and an externally applied magnetic field on the detection efficiency of superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors. In INIS (Vol. 46, pp. 1–3).
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Vasilev, D. D., Malevannaya, E. I., Moiseev, K. M., Zolotov, P. I., Antipov, A. V., Vakhtomin, Y. B., et al. (2020). Influence of deposited material energy on superconducting properties of the WSi films. In IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. (Vol. 781, 012013 (1 to 6)).
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