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Author Title Year Publication Volume Pages
Feofanov, A. K.; Oboznov, V. A.; Bol'Ginov, V. V.; Lisenfeld, J.; Poletto, S.; Ryazanov, V. V.; Rossolenko, A. N.; Khabipov, M.; Balashov, D.; Zorin, A. B.; Dmitriev, P. N.; Koshelets, V. P.; Ustinov, A. V. Implementation of superconductor/ferromagnet/ superconductor 2010 Nature Physics 6 593-597
Smirnov, A. V.; Baryshev, A. M.; de Bernardis, P.; Vdovin, V. F.; Gol'tsman, G. N.; Kardashev, N. S.; Kuz'min, L. S.; Koshelets, V. P.; Vystavkin, A. N.; Lobanov, Yu. V.; Ryabchun, S. A.; Finkel, M. I.; Khokhlov, D. R. The current stage of development of the receiving complex of the millimetron space observatory 2012 Radiophys. Quant. Electron. 54 557-568
Baksheeva, K.; Ozhegov, R.; Goltsman, G.; Kinev, N.; Koshelets, V.; Kochnev, A.; Betzalel, N.; Puzenko, A.; Ben Ishai, P.; Feldman, Y. The sub THz emission of the human body under physiological stress 2021 IEEE Trans. Terahertz Sci. Technol.
Baksheeva, K.; Vdovydchenko, A.; Gorshkov, K.; Ozhegov, R.; Kinev, N.; Koshelets, V.; Goltsman, G. Study of human skin radiation in the terahertz frequency range 2019 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1410 012076 (1 to 5)
Kinev, N. V.; Filippenko, L. V.; Ozhegov, R. V.; Gorshkov, K. N.; Gol’tsman, G. N.; Koshelets, V. P. Superconducting integrated receiver with HEB-mixer 2014 Proc. 25th Int. Symp. Space Terahertz Technol. 78
Ozhegov, R. V.; Gorshkov, K. N.; Vachtomin, Y. B.; Smirnov, K. V.; Finkel, M. I.; Goltsman, G. N.; Kiselev, O. S.; Kinev, N. V.; Filippenko, L. V.; Koshelets, V. P. Terahertz imaging system based on superconducting heterodyne integrated receiver 2014 Proc. THz and Security Applications 113-125
Ozhegov, R. V.; Gorshkov, K. N.; Smirnov, K. V.; Gol’tsman, G. N.; Filippenko, L. V.; Koshelets, V. P. Terahertz imaging system based on superconducting integrated receiver 2010 Proc. 2-nd Int. Conf. Terahertz and Microwave radiation: Generation, Detection and Applications 20-22
Ozhegov, R. V.; Okunev, O. V.; Gol’tsman, G. N.; Filippenko, L. V.; Koshelets, V. P. Noise equivalent temperature difference of a superconducting integrated terahertz receiver 2009 J. Commun. Technol. Electron. 54 716-720
Wild, W.; Kardashev, N. S.; Likhachev, S. F.; Babakin, N. G.; Arkhipov, V. Y.; Vinogradov, I. S.; Andreyanov, V. V.; Fedorchuk, S. D.; Myshonkova, N. V.; Alexsandrov, Y. A.; Novokov, I. D.; Goltsman, G. N.; Cherepaschuk, A. M.; Shustov, B. M.; Vystavkin, A. N.; Koshelets, V. P.; Vdovin, V.F.; de Graauw, T.; Helmich, F.; vd Tak, F.; Shipman, R.; Baryshev, A.; Gao, J. R.; Khosropanah, P.; Roelfsema, P.; Barthel, P.; Spaans, M.; Mendez, M.; Klapwijk, T.; Israel, F.; Hogerheijde, M.; vd Werf, P.; Cernicharo, J.; Martin-Pintado, J.; Planesas, P.; Gallego, J. D.; Beaudin, G.; Krieg, J. M.; Gerin, M.; Pagani, L.; Saraceno, P.; Di Giorgio, A. M.; Cerulli, R.; Orfei, R.; Spinoglio, L.; Piazzo, L.; Liseau, R.; Belitsky, V.; Cherednichenko, S.; Poglitsch, A.; Raab, W.; Guesten, R.; Klein, B.; Stutzki, J.; Honingh, N.; Benz, A.; Murphy, A.; Trappe, N.; Räisänen, A. Millimetron—a large Russian-European submillimeter space observatory 2009 Exp. Astron. 23 221-244
Yagoubov, P. L.; Hoogeveen, R. W. M.; Maurellis, A. M.; Mair, U.; Krocka, M.; Wagner, G.; Birk, M.; Hiibers, H.-W.; Richter, H.; Semenov, A.; Gol'tsman, G.; Voronov, B.; Koshelets, V.; Shitov, S.; Ellison, B.; Kerridge, B.; Matheson, D.; Alderman, B.; Harman, M.; Siddans, R.; Reburn, J. TELIS — development of a new balloon borne THz/submm heterodyne limb sounder 2003 Proc. 14th Int. Symp. Space Terahertz Technol. 204-214