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Zolotov, P. I.; Divochiy, A. V.; Vakhtomin, Y. B.; Lubenchenko, A. V.; Morozov, P. V.; Shurkaeva, I. V.; Smirnov, K. V. Influence of sputtering parameters on the main characteristics of ultra-thin vanadium nitride films 2018 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1124 051030
Vasilev, D. D.; Malevannaya, E. I.; Moiseev, K. M.; Zolotov, P. I.; Antipov, A. V.; Vakhtomin, Y. B.; Smirnov, K. V. Influence of deposited material energy on superconducting properties of the WSi films 2020 IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. 781 012013 (1 to 6)
Maslennikov, S. N.; Morozov, D. V.; Ozhegov, R. V.; Smirnov, K. V.; Okunev, O. V.; Gol’tsman, G. N. Imaging system for submillimeter wave range based on AlGaAs/GaAs hot electron bolometer mixers 2004 Proc. 5-th MSMW 2 558-560
Ozhegov, R.; Maslennikov, S.; Morozov, D.; Okunev, O.; Smirnov, K.; Gol'tsman, G. Imaging system for submillimeter wave range 2004 Proc. Tenth All-Russian sceintific conference of student-physicists and young sceintists (VNKSF-10)
Pentin, I.; Vakhtomin, Y.; Seleznev, V.; Smirnov, K. Hot electron energy relaxation time in vanadium nitride superconducting film structures under THz and IR radiation 2020 Sci. Rep. 10 16819
Finkel, M. I.; Maslennikov, S. N.; Vachtomin, Yu. B.; Svechnikov, S. I.; Smirnov, K. V.; Seleznev, V. A.; Korotetskaya, Yu. P.; Kaurova, N. S.; Voronov, B. M.; Gol'tsman, G. N. Hot electron bolometer mixer for 20 – 40 THz frequency range 2005 Proc. 16th Int. Symp. Space Terahertz Technol. 393-397
Verevkin, A. A.; Ptitsina, N. G.; Smirnov, K. V.; Gol'tsman, G. N.; Voronov, B. M.; Gershenzon, E. M.; Yngvesson, K. S. Hot electron bolometer detectors and mixers based on a superconducting-two-dimensional electron gas-superconductor structure 1997 Proc. 4-th Int. Semicond. Device Research Symp. 163-166
Moshkova, M.; Divochiy, A.; Morozov, P.; Vakhtomin, Y.; Antipov, A.; Zolotov, P.; Seleznev, V.; Ahmetov, M.; Smirnov, K. High-performance superconducting photon-number-resolving detectors with 86% system efficiency at telecom range 2019 J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 36 B20
Zolotov, P.; Vakhtomin, Yu.; Divochiy, A.; Seleznev, V.; Morozov, P.; Smirnov, K. High-efficiency single-photon detectors based on NbN films 2013
Moshkova, M. A.; Morozov, P. V.; Antipov, A. V.; Vakhtomin, Y. B.; Smirnov, K. V. High-efficiency multi-element superconducting single-photon detector 2021 Proc. SPIE 11771 2-8
Hubers, H.-W.; Semenov, A.; Richter, H.; Schwarz, M.; Gunther, B.; Smirnov, K.; Gol’tsman, G.; Voronov, B. Heterodyne receiver for 3-5 THz with hot-electron bolometer mixer 2004 Proc. SPIE 5498 579-586
Pearlman, A.; Cross, A.; Slysz, W.; Zhang, J.; Verevkin, A.; Currie, M.; Korneev, A.; Kouminov, P.; Smirnov, K.; Voronov, B.; Gol’tsman, G.; Sobolewski, R. Gigahertz counting rates of NbN single-photon detectors for quantum communications 2005 IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 15 579-582
Korneev, A.; Lipatov, A.; Okunev, O.; Chulkova, G.; Smirnov, K.; Gol’tsman, G.; Zhang, J.; Slysz, W.; Verevkin, A.; Sobolewski, R. GHz counting rate NbN single-photon detector for IR diagnostics of VLSI CMOS circuits 2003 Microelectronic Engineering 69 274-278
Kuznetsov, K. A.; Kornienko, V. V.; Vakhtomin, Y. B.; Pentin, I. V.; Smirnov, K. V.; Kitaeva, G. K. Generation and detection of optical-terahertz biphotons via spontaneous parametric downconversion 2018 Proc. ICLO 303
Vahtomin, Yuriy B.; Finkel, Matvey I.; Antipov, Sergey V.; Voronov, Boris M.; Smirnov, Konstantin V.; Kaurova, Natalia S.; Drakinski, Vladimir N.; Gol'tsman, Gregogy N. Gain bandwidth of phonon-cooled HEB mixer made of NbN thin film with MgO buffer layer on Si 2002 Proc. 13th Int. Symp. Space Terahertz Technol. 259-270
Shangina, E. L.; Smirnov, K. V.; Morozov, D. V.; Kovalyuk, V. V.; Gol’tsman, G. N.; Verevkin, A. A.; Toropov, A. I. Frequency bandwidth and conversion loss of a semiconductor heterodyne receiver with phonon cooling of two-dimensional electrons 2010 Semicond. 44 1427-1429
Słysz, W.; Wegrzecki, M.; Bar, J.; Grabiec, P.; Górska, M.; Zwiller, V.; Latta, C.; Böhi, P.; Pearlman, A.J.; Cross, A.S.; Pan, D.; Kitaygorsky, J.; Komissarov, I.; Verevkin, A.; Milostnaya, I.; Korneev, A.; Minayeva, O.; Chulkova, G.; Smirnov, K.; Voronov, B.; Gol’tsman, G.N.; Sobolewski, R. Fibre-coupled, single photon detector based on NbN superconducting nanostructures for quantum communications 2007 J. Modern Opt. 54 315-326
Słysz, W.; Węgrzecki, M.; Bar, J.; Grabiec, P.; Górska, M.; Zwiller, V.; Latta, C.; Bohi, P.; Milostnaya, I.; Minaeva, O.; Antipov, A.; Okunev, O.; Korneev, A.; Smirnov, K.; Voronov, B.; Kaurova, N.; Gol’tsman, G.; Pearlman, A.; Cross, A.; Komissarov, I.; Verevkin, A.; Sobolewski, R. Fiber-coupled single-photon detectors based on NbN superconducting nanostructures for practical quantum cryptography and photon-correlation studies 2006 Appl. Phys. Lett. 88 261113 (1 to 3)
Slysz, W.; Wegrzecki, M.; Bar, J.; Grabiec, P.; Górska, M.; Latta, C.; Zwiller, V.; Pearlman, A.; Cross, A.; Korneev, A.; Kouminov, P.; Smirnov, K.; Voronov, B.; Gol’tsman, G.; Verevkin, A.; Currie, M.; Sobolewski, R. Fiber-coupled quantum-communications receiver based on two NbN superconducting single-photon detectors 2005 Proc. SPIE 5957 59571K (1 to 10)
Slysz, W.; Wegrzecki, M.; Bar, J.; Grabiec, P.; Gorska, M.; Rieger, E.; Dorenbos, P.; Zwiller, V.; Milostnaya, I.; Minaeva, O.; Antipov, A.; Okunev, O.; Korneev, A.; Smirnov, K.; Voronov, B.; Kaurova, N.; Gol’tsman, G.N.; Kitaygorsky, J.; Pan, D.; Pearlman, A.; Cross, A.; Komissarov, I.; Sobolewski, R. Fiber-coupled NbN superconducting single-photon detectors for quantum correlation measurements 2007 Proc. SPIE 6583 65830J (1 to 11)
Smirnov, K. V.; Vachtomin, Y. B.; Ozhegov, R. V.; Pentin, I. V.; Slivinskaya, E. V.; Korneev, A. A.; Goltsman, G. N. Fiber coupled single photon receivers based on superconducting detectors for quantum communications and quantum cryptography 2008 Proc. SPIE 7138 713827 (1 to 6)
Seliverstov, S.; Maslennikov, S.; Ryabchun, S.; Finkel, M.; Klapwijk, T. M.; Kaurova, N.; Vachtomin, Yu.; Smirnov, K.; Voronov, B.; Goltsman, G. Fast and sensitive terahertz direct detector based on superconducting antenna-coupled hot electron bolometer 2015 IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 25 2300304
Gol’tsman, G. N.; Smirnov, K.; Kouminov, P.; Voronov, B.; Kaurova, N.; Drakinsky, V.; Zhang, J.; Verevkin, A.; Sobolewski, R. Fabrication of nanostructured superconducting single-photon detectors 2003 IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 13 192-195
Gol’tsman, G.; Okunev, O.; Chulkova, G.; Lipatov, A.; Dzardanov, A.; Smirnov, K.; Semenov, A.; Voronov, B.; Williams, C.; Sobolewski, R. Fabrication and properties of an ultrafast NbN hot-electron single-photon detector 2001 IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 11 574-577
Zinoni, C.; Alloing, B.; Li, L. H.; Marsili, F.; Fiore, A.; Lunghi, L.; Gerardino, A.; Vakhtomin, Y. B.; Smirnov, K. V.; Gol’tsman, G. N. Erratum: “Single photon experiments at telecom wavelengths using nanowire superconducting detectors” [Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 031106 (2007)] 2010 Appl. Phys. Lett. 96 089901
Shcheslavskiy, V.; Morozov, P.; Divochiy, A.; Vakhtomin, Y.; Smirnov, K.; Becker, W. Erratum: “Ultrafast time measurements by time-correlated single photon counting coupled with superconducting single photon detector” [Rev. Sci. Instrum. 87, 053117 (2016)] 2016 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 87 069901
Smirnov, K. V.; Ptitsina, N. G.; Vakhtomin, Y. B.; Verevkin, A. A.; Gol’tsman, G. N.; Gershenzon, E. M. Energy relaxation of two-dimensional electrons in the quantum Hall effect regime 2000 JETP Lett. 71 31-34
Gol’tsman, G. N.; Smirnov, K. V. Electron-phonon interaction in a two-dimensional electron gas of semiconductor heterostructures at low temperatures 2001 Jetp Lett. 74 474-479
Romanov, N. R.; Zolotov, P. I.; Vakhtomin, Y. B.; Divochiy, A. V.; Smirnov, K. V. Electron diffusivity measurements of VN superconducting single-photon detectors 2018 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1124 051032
Jukna, A.; Kitaygorsky, J.; Pan, D.; Cross, A.; Perlman, A.; Komissarov, I.; Sobolewski, R.; Okunev, O.; Smirnov, K.; Korneev, A.; Chulkova, G.; Milostnaya, I.; Voronov, B.; Gol'tsman, G. Dynamics of hotspot formation in nanostructured superconducting stripes excited with single photons 2008 Acta Physica Polonica A 113 955-958
Verevkin, A. A.; Ptitsina, N. G.; Smirnov, K. V.; Gol’tsman, G. N.; Gershenzon, E. M.; Ingvesson, K. S. Direct measurements of energy relaxation times on an AlGaAs/GaAs heterointerface in the range 4.2–50 K 1996 JETP Lett. 64 404-409
Verevkin, A.; Gershenzon, E. M.; Gol'tsman, G. N.; Ptitsina, N. G.; Chulkova, G. M.; Smirnov, K. S.; Sobolewski, R. Direct measurements of energy relaxation times in two-dimensional structures under quasi-equilibrium conditions 2002 Mater. Sci. Forum 384-3 107-116
Verevkin, A. A.; Ptitsina, N. G.; Smirnov, K. V.; Goltsman, G. N.; Gershenson, E. M.; Yngvesson, K. S. Direct measurements of electron energy relaxation times at an AlGaAs/GaAs heterointerface in the optical phonon scattering range 1997 Proc. 4-th Int. Semicond. Device Research Symp. 55-58
Kitaeva, G. K.; Kornienko, V. V.; Kuznetsov, K. A.; Pentin, I. V.; Smirnov, K. V.; Vakhtomin, Y. B. Direct detection of the idler THz radiation generated by spontaneous parametric down-conversion 2019 Opt. Lett. 44 1198-1201
Semenov, A.; Richter, H.; Hübers, H.-W.; Smirnov, K.; Voronov, B.; Gol'tsman, G. Development of terahertz superconducting hot-electron bolometer mixers 2003 Proc. 6th European Conf. Appl. Supercond. 181 2960-2965
Zolotov, P. I.; Divochiy, A. V.; Vakhtomin, Y. B.; Morozov, P. V.; Seleznev, V. A.; Smirnov, K. V. Development of high-effective superconducting single-photon detectors aimed for mid-IR spectrum range 2017 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 917 062037
Zolotov, P.; Vakhtomin, Yu.; Divochiy, A.; Morozov, P.; Seleznev, V.; Smirnov, K Development of fast and high-effective single-photon detector for spectrum range up to 2.3 μm 2017 Proc. SPBOPEN 439-440
Romanov, N. R.; Zolotov, P. I.; Smirnov, K. V. Development of disordered ultra-thin superconducting vanadium nitride films 2019 Proc. 8th Int. Conf. Photonics and Information Optics 425-426
Verevkin, A.; Zhang, J.; Sobolewski, Roman; Lipatov, A.; Okunev, O.; Chulkova, G.; Korneev, A.; Smirnov, K.; Gol'tsman, G. N.; Semenov, A. Detection efficiency of large-active-area NbN single-photon superconducting detectors in the ultraviolet to near-infrared range 2002 Appl. Phys. Lett. 80 4687-4689
Korneeva, Yu. P.; Trifonov, A. V.; Vakhtomin, Yu. B.; Smirnov, K. V. Design of resonator for superconducting single-photon detector 2011 Rus. J. Radio Electron.
Semenov, A. V.; Devyatov, I. A.; Korneev, A. A.; Smirnov, K. V.; Goltsman, G. N.; Melnikov, A. P. Derivation of expression for thermodynamic potential of “dirty” superconductor 2012 Rus. J. Radio Electron.
Smirnov, Konstantin; Vachtomin, Yury; Divochiy, Alexander; Antipov, Andrey; Goltsman, Gregory Dependence of dark count rates in superconducting single photon detectors on the filtering effect of standard single mode optical fibers 2015 Appl. Phys. Express 8 022501 (1 to 4)
Shangina, E. L.; Smirnov, K. V.; Morozov, D. V.; Kovalyuk, V. V.; Gol’tsman, G. N.; Verevkin, A. A.; Toropov, A. I. Concentration dependence of the intermediate frequency bandwidth of submillimeter heterodyne AlGaAs/GaAs nanostructures 2010 Bull. Russ. Acad. Sci. Phys. 74 100-102
Shangina, E. L.; Smirnov, K. V.; Morozov, D. V.; Kovalyuk, V. V.; Goltsman, G. N.; Verevkin, A. A.; Toropov, A. I.; Mauskopf, P. Concentration dependence of energy relaxation time in AlGaAs/GaAs heterojunctions: direct measurements 2011 Semicond. Sci. Technol. 26 025013
Moshkova, M. A.; Divochiy, A. V.; Morozov, P. V.; Antipov, A. V.; Vakhtomin, Yu. B.; Smirnov, K. V. Characterization of topologies of superconducting photon number resolving detectors 2019 Proc. 8th Int. Conf. Photonics and Information Optics 465-466
Lobanov, Y. V.; Vakhtomin, Y. B.; Pentin, I. V.; Khabibullin, R. A.; Shchavruk, N. V.; Smirnov, K. V.; Silaev, A. A. Characterization of the THz quantum cascade laser using fast superconducting hot electron bolometer 2018 EPJ Web Conf. 195 04004 (1 to 2)
Korneev, A. A.; Korneeva, Y. P.; Mikhailov, M. Yu.; Pershin, Y. P.; Semenov, A. V.; Vodolazov, D. Yu.; Divochiy, A. V.; Vakhtomin, Y. B.; Smirnov, K. V.; Sivakov, A. G.; Devizenko, A. Yu.; Goltsman, G. N. Characterization of MoSi superconducting single-photon detectors in the magnetic field 2015 IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 25 2200504 (1 to 4)
Zolotov, P.; Divochiy, A.; Korneeva, Yu.; Vakhtomin, Yu.; Seleznev, V.; Smirnov, K. Capability investigation of superconducting single-photon detectors, optimized for 800–1200 nm spectrum range 2015 3th ICQT
Gol'tsman, Gregory; Semenov, Alexei; Smirnov, Konstantin; Voronov, Boris Background limited quantum superconducting detector for submillimeter wavelengths 2001 Proc. 12th Int. Symp. Space Terahertz Technol. 469-475
Lipatov, A.; Okunev, O.; Smirnov, K.; Chulkova, G.; Korneev, A.; Kouminov, P.; Gol'tsman, G.; Zhang, J.; Slysz, W.; Verevkin, A.; Sobolewski, R. An ultrafast NbN hot-electron single-photon detector for electronic applications 2002 Supercond. Sci. Technol. 15 1689-1692
Goltsman, G.; Korneev, A.; Minaeva, O.; Rubtsova, I.; Chulkova, G.; Milostnaya, I.; Smirnov, K.; Voronov, B.; Lipatov, A. P.; Pearlman, A. J.; Cross, A.; Slysz, W.; Verevkin, A. A.; Sobolewski, R. Advanced nanostructured optical NbN single-photon detector operated at 2.0 K 2005 Proc. SPIE 5732 520-529
Morozov, D. V.; Smirnov, K. V.; Smirnov, A. V.; Lyakhov, V. A.; Goltsman, G. N. A millimeter-submillimeter phonon-cooled hot-electron bolometer mixer based on two-dimensional electron gas in an AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructure 2005 Semicond. 39 1082-1086
Semenov, A. D.; Hübers, H.-W.; Richter, H.; Birk, M.; Krocka, M.; Mair, U.; Smirnov, K.; Gol'tsman, G. N.; Voronov, B. M. 2.5 THz heterodyne receiver with NbN hot-electron-bolometer mixer 2002 Phys. C: Supercond. 372-376 448-453
Ren, Y.; Zhang, D. X.; Zhou, K. M.; Miao, W.; Zhang, W.; Shi, S. C.; Seleznev, V.; Pentin, I.; Vakhtomin, Y.; Smirnov, K. 10.6 μm heterodyne receiver based on a superconducting hot-electron bolometer mixer and a quantum cascade laser 2019 AIP Advances 9 075307