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Author Title Year Publication Volume Pages
Darula, Marian; Semenov, Alex D.; Hübers, Heinz-Wilhelm; Schubert, Josef Quasioptical high-Tc superconductor Josephson mixer at terahertz frequencies 2000 Proc. 11th Int. Symp. Space Terahertz Technol. 515
Saslaw, William C. The distribution of the galaxies. Gravitational clustering in cosmology 2000 Press syndicate of the University of Cambridge
ГОСТ 2.711-82. ЕСКД. Схема деления изделия на составные части 2000
Tong, C.-Y. Edward; Kawamura, Jonathan; Todd, R. Hunter; Papa, D. Cosmo; Blundell, Raymond.; Smith, Michael; Patt, Ferdinand; Gol'tsman, Gregory; Gershenzon, Eugene Successful operation of a 1 THz NbN hot-electron bolometer receiver 2000 Proc. 11th Int. Symp. Space Terahertz Technol. 49-59
Semenov, A. D.; Hübers, H.–W.; Schubert, J.; Gol'tsman, G. N.; Elantiev, A. I.; Voronov, B. M.; Gershenzon, E. M. Frequency dependent noise temperature of the lattice cooled hot-electron terahertz mixer 2000 Proc. 11th Int. Symp. Space Terahertz Technol. 39-48
Kardashev, N. S.; Andreyanov, V. V.; Buyakas, V. I.; Vinogradov, I. S.; Gvamichava, A. S.; Kotik, A. I.; Kurt, V. G.; Lazareva, G. S.; Mironova, E. N.; Myshonkova, N. V.; Slysh, V. I.; Trubnikov, A. G.; Troitskiy, V. F.; Puryaev, D. T.; Usyukin, V. I. The Millimetron project 2000 Proc. Lebedev Phys. Institute 228
Gerecht, E.; Musante, C.F.; Zhuang, Y.; Ji, M.; Yngvesson, K.S.; Goyette, T.; Waldman, J. NbN hot electron bolometric mixer with intrinsic receiver noise temperature of less than five times the quantum noise limit 2000 Proc. IMS 2 1007-1010
Nagatsuma, T.; Hirata, A.; Royter, Y.; Shinagawa, M.; Furuta, T.; Ishibashi, T.; Ito, H. A 120-GHz integrated photonic transmitter 2000 Proc. International topical meeting on microwave photonics (MWP 2000) 225 - 228
Khosropanah, P.; Merkel, H.; Yngvesson, S.; Adam, A.; Cherednichenko, S.; Kollberg, E. A distributed device model for phonon-cooled HEB mixers predicting IV characteristics, gain, noise and IF bandwidth 2000 Proc. 11th Int. Symp. Space Terahertz Technol. 474-488
Leisawitz, David T.; Danchi, William C.; Dipirro, Michael J.; Feinberg, Lee D.; Gezari, Daniel Y.; Hagopian, Mike; Langer, William D.; Mather, John C.; Moseley, Jr. Samuel H.; Shao, Michael; Silverberg, Robert F.; Staguhn, Johannes G.; Swain, Mark R.; Yorke, Harold W.; Zhang, Xiaolei Scientific motivation and technology requirements for the SPIRIT and SPECS far-infrared/submillimeter space interferometers 2000 Proc. SPIE 4013 36-46
Hübers, Heinz-Wilhelm; Semenov, Alexei; Schubert, Josef; Gol'tsman, Gregory; Voronov, Boris; Gershenzon, Evgeni Performance of the phonon-cooled hot-electron bolometric mixer between 0.7 THz and 5.2 THz 2000 Proc. 8-th Int. Conf. on Terahertz Electronics 117-119
Huebers, H.-W.; Semenov, A.; Schubert, J.; Gol’tsman, G. N.; Voronov, B. M.; Gershenzon, E. M.; Krabbe, A.; Roeser, H.-P. NbN hot-electron bolometer as THz mixer for SOFIA 2000 Proc. SPIE 4014 195-202
Cherednichenko, S.; Rönnung, F.; Gol’tsman, G.; Kollberg, E.; Winkler, D. YBa2Cu3O7-δ hot-electron bolometer mixer at 0.6 THz 2000 Proc. 11th Int. Symp. Space Terahertz Technol. 517-522
Cherednichenko, S.; Kroug, M.; Yagoubov, P.; Merkel, H.; Kollberg, E.; Yngvesson, K. S.; Voronov, B.; Gol’tsman, G. IF bandwidth of phonon cooled HEB mixers made from NbN films on MgO substrates 2000 Proc. 11th Int. Symp. Space Terahertz Technol. 219-227
Gundlach, K. H.; Schicke, M. SIS and bolometer mixers for terahertz frequencies 2000 Supercond. Sci. Technol 13 181-187
Semenov, A. D.; Hübers, H.-W.; Schubert, J.; Gol'tsman, G. N.; Elantiev, A. I.; Voronov, B. M.; Gershenzon, E. M. Design and performance of the lattice-cooled hot-electron terahertz mixer 2000 J. Appl. Phys. 88 6758-6767
Sergeev, A.; Mitin, V. Electron-phonon interaction in disordered conductors: Static and vibrating scattering potentials 2000 Phys. Rev. B. 61 6041-6047
Кардашев, Н. С.; Андреянов, В. В.; Буякас, В. И.; Виноградов, И. С.; Гвамичева, А. С.; Котик, А. И.; Курт, В. Г.; Лазарева, Г. С.; Миронова, Е. Н.; Мышонкова, Н. В.; Слыш, В. И.; Трубников, А. Г.; Троитский, В. Ф.; Пуряев, Д. Т.; Юсюкин, В. И. Проект Миллиметрон 2000 Труды ФИАН им. Лебедева 228
Hansen, Lene; Jørgensen, H.E.; Nørgaard-Nielsen, Hans Ulrik; Pedersen, Kenneth; Goudfrooij, P.; Linden-Vornle, M.J.D. ISO far-infrared observations of rich galaxy clusters III. Abell 2029, Abell 2052, Abell 2142 2000 Astron. Astrophys. 362 133-137
Wright, E. L.; Reese, E. D. Detection of the cosmic infrared background at 2.2 and 3.5 microns using DIRBE observations 2000 Astrophys. J. 545 43-55
Kawamura, J.; Blundell, R.; Tong, C.-Y. E.; Papa, D. C.; Hunter, T. R.; Paine, S. N.; Patt, F.; Gol'tsman, G.; Cherednichenko, S.; Voronov, B.; Gershenzon, E. Superconductive hot-electron-bolometer mixer receiver for 800-GHz operation 2000 IEEE Trans. Microw. Theory Techn. 48 683-689
Hoevers, H. F. C.; Bento, A. C.; Bruijn, M. P.; Gottardi, L.; Korevaar, M. A. N.; Mels, W. A.; de Korte, P. A. J. Thermal fluctuation noise in a voltage biased superconducting transition edge thermometer 2000 Applied Physics Letters 77 4421-4424
Il'in, K. S.; Lindgren, M.; Currie, M. A.; Semenov, D.; Gol'tsman, G. N.; Sobolewski, Roman; Cherednichenko, S. I.; Gershenzon, E. M. Picosecond hot-electron energy relaxation in NbN superconducting photodetectors 2000 Appl. Phys. Lett. 76 2752-2754
Floet D. W.; Gao J. R.; Klapwijk T. M.; de Korte P. A. J. Bias Dependence of the Thermal Time Constant in Nb Superconducting Diffusion-Cooled HEB Mixers 2000 Appl. Phys. Lett. 77 1719
Manus, M. K. Mc; Kash, J. A.; Steen, S. E.; Polonsky, S.; Tsang, J.C.; Knebel, D. R.; Huott, W. PICA: Backside failure analysis of CMOS circuits using picosecond imaging circuit analysis 2000 Microelectronics Reliability 40 1353-1358
Cherednichenko, S.; Rönnung, F.; Gol'tsman, G.; Kollberg, E.; Winkler, D. YBa2Cu3O7−δ hot-electron bolometer mixer 2000 Phys. C: Supercond. 341-348 2653-2654
Semenov, A. D.; Gol’tsman, G. N. Nonthermal mixing mechanism in a diffusion-cooled hot-electron detector 2000 J. Appl. Phys. 87 502-510
Smirnov, K. V.; Ptitsina, N. G.; Vakhtomin, Y. B.; Verevkin, A. A.; Gol’tsman, G. N.; Gershenzon, E. M. Energy relaxation of two-dimensional electrons in the quantum Hall effect regime 2000 JETP Lett. 71 31-34
Смирнов, Константин Владимирович Энергетическая релаксация электронов в 2D-канале гетеропереходов GAAS/ALGAAS и транспортные процессы в структурах полупроводник-сверхпроводник на их основе 2000 М. МПГУ
Kawamura, Jonathan; Blundell, Raymond; Tong, C.-Y. Edward; Papa, D. Cosmo; Hunter, Todd R.; Paine, Scot.t. N.; Patt, Ferdinand; Gol'tsman, Gregory; Cherednichenko, Sergei; Voronov, Boris; Gershenzon, Eugene Superconductive hot-electron bolometer mixer receiver for 800 GHz operation 2000 IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory and Techniques 48 683-689