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Author Title Year Publication Volume Pages
Koshelets, V. P.; Ermakov, A. B.; Filippenko, L. V.; Khudchenko, A. V.; Kiselev, O. S.; Sobolev, A. S.; Torgashin, M. Y.; Yagoubov, P. A.; Hoogeveen, R. W. M.; Wild, W. Superconducting integrated submillimeter receiver for TELIS 2007 IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 17 336-342
Koshelets, V. P.; Khudchenko, A. V. Analysis of spectral characteristics of a superconducting integrated receiver 2006 J. Communications Technol. Electron. 51 596-603
Koshelets, V. P.; Borisov, V. B.; Dmitriev, P. N.; Ermakov, A. B.; Filippenko, L. V.; Khudchenko, A. V.; Kiselev, O. S.; Lapitskaya, I. L.; Sobolev, A. S.; Torgashin, M. Yu.; Yagoubov, P. A.; Hoogeveen, R. W. M. Integrated submillimeter receiver for TELIS 2006 Joint International Workshop “Nanosensors and Arrays of Quantum Dots and Josephson Junctions for space applications”, 10th International Workshop “From Andreev Reflection to the Earliest Universe”
Ozhegov, R. V.; Okunev, O. V.; Gol’tsman, G. N.; Filippenko, L. V.; Koshelets, V. P. Noise equivalent temperature difference of a superconducting integrated terahertz receiver 2009 J. Commun. Technol. Electron. 54 716-720
Ozhegov, R. V.; Gorshkov, K. N.; Gol'tsman, G. N.; Kinev, N. V.; Koshelets, V. P. The stability of a terahertz receiver based on a superconducting integrated receiver 2011 Supercond. Sci. Technol. 24 035003
Feofanov, A. K.; Oboznov, V. A.; Bol'Ginov, V. V.; Lisenfeld, J.; Poletto, S.; Ryazanov, V. V.; Rossolenko, A. N.; Khabipov, M.; Balashov, D.; Zorin, A. B.; Dmitriev, P. N.; Koshelets, V. P.; Ustinov, A. V. Implementation of superconductor/ferromagnet/ superconductor 2010 Nature Physics 6 593-597
Smirnov, A. V.; Baryshev, A. M.; de Bernardis, P.; Vdovin, V. F.; Gol'tsman, G. N.; Kardashev, N. S.; Kuz'min, L. S.; Koshelets, V. P.; Vystavkin, A. N.; Lobanov, Yu. V.; Ryabchun, S. A.; Finkel, M. I.; Khokhlov, D. R. The current stage of development of the receiving complex of the millimetron space observatory 2012 Radiophys. Quant. Electron. 54 557-568
Baksheeva, K.; Ozhegov, R.; Goltsman, G.; Kinev, N.; Koshelets, V.; Kochnev, A.; Betzalel, N.; Puzenko, A.; Ben Ishai, P.; Feldman, Y. The sub THz emission of the human body under physiological stress 2021 IEEE Trans. Terahertz Sci. Technol.
Wild, W.; Kardashev, N. S.; Likhachev, S. F.; Babakin, N. G.; Arkhipov, V. Y.; Vinogradov, I. S.; Andreyanov, V. V.; Fedorchuk, S. D.; Myshonkova, N. V.; Alexsandrov, Y. A.; Novokov, I. D.; Goltsman, G. N.; Cherepaschuk, A. M.; Shustov, B. M.; Vystavkin, A. N.; Koshelets, V. P.; Vdovin, V.F.; de Graauw, T.; Helmich, F.; vd Tak, F.; Shipman, R.; Baryshev, A.; Gao, J. R.; Khosropanah, P.; Roelfsema, P.; Barthel, P.; Spaans, M.; Mendez, M.; Klapwijk, T.; Israel, F.; Hogerheijde, M.; vd Werf, P.; Cernicharo, J.; Martin-Pintado, J.; Planesas, P.; Gallego, J. D.; Beaudin, G.; Krieg, J. M.; Gerin, M.; Pagani, L.; Saraceno, P.; Di Giorgio, A. M.; Cerulli, R.; Orfei, R.; Spinoglio, L.; Piazzo, L.; Liseau, R.; Belitsky, V.; Cherednichenko, S.; Poglitsch, A.; Raab, W.; Guesten, R.; Klein, B.; Stutzki, J.; Honingh, N.; Benz, A.; Murphy, A.; Trappe, N.; Räisänen, A. Millimetron—a large Russian-European submillimeter space observatory 2009 Exp. Astron. 23 221-244
Koshelets, V. P. Integrated superconducting submm receivers 2004