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Kroug, M., Cherednichenko, S., Choumas, M., Merkel, H., Kollberg, E., Hübers, H. - W., et al. (2001). HEB quasi-optical heterodyne receiver for THz frequencies. In Proc. 12th Int. Symp. Space Terahertz Technol. (pp. 244–252). San Diego, CA, USA.
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Hübers, H. - W., Semenov, A. D., Richter, H., Schubert, J., Hadjiloucas, S., Bowen, J. W., et al. (2001). Antenna pattern of the quasi-optical hot-electron bolometric mixer at terahertz frequencies. In Proc. 12th Int. Symp. Space Terahertz Technol. (pp. 286–296). San Diego, CA, USA.
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Cherednichenko, S., Drakinskiy, V., Baubert, J., Lecomte, B., Dauplay, F., Krieg, J. - M., et al. (2007). 2.5 THz multipixel heterodyne receiver based on NbN HEB mixers. In Proc. 18th Int. Symp. Space Terahertz Technol. (112).
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