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Barends, R., Hajenius, M., Gao, J. R., & Klapwijk, T. M. (2005). Current-induced vortex unbinding in bolometer mixers. Appl. Phys. Lett., 87, 263506 (1 to 3).
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Gao, J. R., Hovenier, J. N., Yang, Z. Q., Baselmans, J. J. A., Baryshev, A., Hajenius, M., et al. (2005). Terahertz heterodyne receiver based on a quantum cascade laser and a superconducting bolometer. Appl. Phys. Lett., 86, 244104 (1 to 3).
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Hübers, H. - W., Semenov, A., Holldack, K., Schade, U., Wüstefeld, G., & Gol’tsman, G. (2005). Time domain analysis of coherent terahertz synchrotron radiation. Appl. Phys. Lett., 87(18), 184103 (1 to 3).
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Hadfield, R. H., Habif, J. L., Schlafer, J., Schwall, R. E., & Nam, S. W. (2006). Quantum key distribution at 1550 nm with twin superconducting single-photon detectors. Appl. Phys. Lett., 89(24), 241129.
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Rodriguez-Morales, F., Zannoni, R., Nicholson, J., Fischetti, M., Yngvesson, K. S., & Appenzeller, J. (2006). Direct and heterodyne detection of microwaves in a metallic single wall carbon nanotube. Appl. Phys. Lett., 89(8), 083502.
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Stevens, M., Hadfield, R., Schwall, R., Nam, S. W., Mirin, R., & Gupta, J. (2006). Fast lifetime measurements of infrared emitters using a low-jitter superconduct- ing single-photon detector. Appl. Phys. Lett., 89, 031109.
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Walther, C., Scalari, G., Faist, J., Beere, H., & Ritchie, D. (2006). Low frequency terahertz quantum cascade laser operating from 1.6 to 1.8 THz. Appl. Phys. Lett., 89, 231121(1–3).
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Słysz, W., Węgrzecki, M., Bar, J., Grabiec, P., Górska, M., Zwiller, V., et al. (2006). Fiber-coupled single-photon detectors based on NbN superconducting nanostructures for practical quantum cryptography and photon-correlation studies. Appl. Phys. Lett., 88(26), 261113 (1 to 3).
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Kerman, A. J., Dauler, E. A., Keicher, W. E., Yang, J. K. W., Berggren, K. K., Gol’tsman, G., et al. (2006). Kinetic-inductance-limited reset time of superconducting nanowire photon counters. Appl. Phys. Lett., 88(11), 111116 (1 to 3).
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Delacour, C., Claudon, J., Poizat, J. - P., Pannetier, B., Bouchiat, V., de Lamaestre, R. E., et al. (2007). Superconducting single photon detectors made by local oxidation with an atomic force microscope. Appl. Phys. Lett., 90(19), 191116 (1 t0 3).
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Khosropanah, P., Gao, J. R., Laauwen, W. M., Hajenius, M., & Klapwijk, T. M. (2007). Low noise NbN hot electron bolometer mixer at 4.3 THz. Appl. Phys. Lett., 91, 221111 (1 to 3).
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Zinoni, C., Alloing, B., Li, L. H., Marsili, F., Fiore, A., Lunghi, L., et al. (2007). Single-photon experiments at telecommunication wavelengths using nanowire superconducting detectors. Appl. Phys. Lett., 91(3), 031106 (1 to 3).
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Ejrnaes, M., Cristiano, R., Quaranta, O., Pagano, S., Gaggero, A., Mattioli, F., et al. (2007). A cascade switching superconducting single photon detector. Appl. Phys. Lett., 91(26), 262509 (1 to 3).
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Gao, J. R., Hajenius, M., Tichelaar, F. D., Klapwijk, T. M., Voronov, B., Grishin, E., et al. (2007). Monocrystalline NbN nanofilms on a 3C-SiC∕Si substrate. Appl. Phys. Lett., 91(6), 062504 (1 to 3).
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Kerman, A. J., Dauler, E. A., Yang, J. K. W., Rosfjord, K. M., Anant, V., Berggren, K. K., et al. (2007). Constriction-limited detection efficiency of superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors. Appl. Phys. Lett., 90(10), 101110 (1 to 3).
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