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Goltsman G, Naumov AV, Gladush MG, Karimullin KR. Quantum photonic integrated circuits with waveguide integrated superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors. In: EPJ Web Conf. Vol 190.; 2018. 02004 (1 to 2).
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Bandurin DA, Svintsov D, Gayduchenko I, Xu SG, Principi A, Moskotin M, et al. Resonant terahertz detection using graphene plasmons. Nat Commun. 2018;9:5392 (1 to 8).
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Belosevich VV, Gayduchenko IA, Titova NA, Zhukova ES, Goltsman GN, Fedorov GE, et al. Response of carbon nanotube film transistor to the THz radiation. In: EPJ Web Conf. Vol 195.; 2018. 05012 (1 to 2).
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Tretyakov IV, Anfertyev VA, Revin LS, Kaurova NS, Voronov BM, Vaks VL, et al. Sensitivity and resolution of a heterodyne receiver based on the NbN HEB mixer with a quantum-cascade laser as a local oscillator. Radiophys Quant Electron. 2018;60(12):988–92.
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Golikov A, Kovalyuk V, An P, Zubkova E, Ferrari S, Pernice W, et al. Silicon nitride nanophotonic circuit for on-chip spontaneous four-wave mixing. In: J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. Vol 1124.; 2018. 051051.
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Korneeva Y, Vodolazov D, Florya I, Manova N, Smirnov E, Korneev A, et al. Single photon detection in micron scale NbN and α-MoSi superconducting strips. In: EPJ Web Conf. Vol 190.; 2018. 04010 (1 to 2).
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Divochiy A, Misiaszek M, Vakhtomin Y, Morozov P, Smirnov K, Zolotov P, et al. Single photon detection system for visible and infrared spectrum range. Opt Lett. 2018;43(24):6085–8.
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Smirnov E, Golikov A, Zolotov P, Kovalyuk V, Lobino M, Voronov B, et al. Superconducting nanowire single-photon detector on lithium niobate. In: J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. Vol 1124.; 2018. 051025.
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Korneev A, Kovalyuk V, An P, Golikov A, Zubkova E, Ferrari S, et al. Superconducting single-photon detector for integrated waveguide spectrometer. In: EPJ Web Conf. Vol 190.; 2018. 04009.
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Zolotov P, Divochiy A, Vakhtomin Y, Seleznev V, Morozov P, Smirnov K. Superconducting single-photon detectors made of ultra-thin VN films. In: KnE Energy. Vol 3.; 2018. p. 83–9.
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