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Titova N, Gayduchenko IA, Moskotin MV, Fedorov GF, Goltsman GN. Carbon nanotube based terahertz radiation detectors. In: J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. Vol 1410.; 2019. 012208 (1 to 5).
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Matyushkin YE, Gayduchenko IA, Moskotin MV, Goltsman GN, Fedorov GE, Rybin MG, et al. Graphene-layer and graphene-nanoribbon FETs as THz detectors. In: J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. Vol 1124.; 2018. 051054.
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Moskotin MV, Gayduchenko IA, Goltsman GN, Titova N, Voronov BM, Fedorov GF, et al. Bolometric effect for detection of sub-THz radiation with devices based on carbon nanotubes. In: J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. Vol 1124.; 2018. 051050 (1 to 5).
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Gayduchenko IA, Fedorov GE, Stepanova TS, Titova N, Voronov BM, But D, et al. Asymmetric devices based on carbon nanotubes as detectors of sub-THz radiation. In: J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. Vol 741.; 2016. 012143 (1 to 6).
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Belosevich VV, Gayduchenko IA, Titova NA, Zhukova ES, Goltsman GN, Fedorov GE, et al. Response of carbon nanotube film transistor to the THz radiation. In: EPJ Web Conf. Vol 195.; 2018. 05012 (1 to 2).
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Ryzhii V, Otsuji T, Ryzhii M, Leiman VG, Fedorov G, Goltzman GN, et al. Two-dimensional plasmons in lateral carbon nanotube network structures and their effect on the terahertz radiation detection. J Appl Phys. 2016;120(4):044501 (1 to 13).
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Gayduchenko IA, Fedorov GE, Ibragimov RA, Stepanova TS, Gazaliev AS, Vysochanskiy NA, et al. Synthesis of single-walled carbon nanotube networks using monodisperse metallic nanocatalysts encapsulated in reverse micelles. Chem Ind Belgrade. 2016;70(1):1–8.
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Gayduchenko IA, Fedorov GE, Moskotin MV, Yagodkin DI, Seliverstov SV, Goltsman GN, et al. Manifestation of plasmonic response in the detection of sub-terahertz radiation by graphene-based devices. Nanotechnol. 2018;29(24):245204 (1 to 8).
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Gayduchenko IA, Moskotin MV, Matyushkin YE, Rybin MG, Obraztsova ED, Ryzhii VI, et al. The detection of sub-terahertz radiation using graphene-layer and graphene-nanoribbon FETs with asymmetric contacts. In: Materials Today: Proc. Vol 5.; 2018. p. 27301–6.
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