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Marsili F, Najafi F, Herder C, Berggren KK. Electrothermal simulation of superconducting nanowire avalanche photodetectors. Appl Phys Lett. 2011;98(9):3.
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Kerman AJ, Yang JKW, Molnar RJ, Dauler EA, Berggren KK. Electrothermal feedback in superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors. Phys Rev B. 2009;79(10):4.
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Zhong T, Hu X, Wong FNC, Berggren KK, Roberts TD, Battle P. High-quality fiber-optic polarization entanglement distribution at 1.3 μm telecom wavelength. Opt Lett. 2010;35(9):1392–4.
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Hu X, Zhong T, White JE, Dauler EAN Faraz, Herder CH, Wong FNC, et al. Fiber-coupled nanowire photon counter at 1550 nm with 24% system detection efficiency. Opt Lett. 2009;34(23):3607–9.
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Hu X, Dauler EA, Molnar RJ, Berggren KK. Superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors integrated with optical nano-antennae. Opt Express. 2011;19(1):17–31.
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