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Author Cao, Aiqin; Jiang, L.; Chen, S.H.; Antipov, S.V.; Shi, S.C.
Title IF gain bandwidth of a quasi-optical NbN superconducting HEB mixer Type Conference Article
Year 2007 Publication Proc. International conference on microwave and millimeter wave technology Abbreviated Journal Proc. ICMMT
Volume Issue Pages 1-3
Keywords HEB, mixer, gain bandwidth
Abstract In this paper, the intermediate frequency (IF) gain bandwidth of a quasi-optical NbN superconducting hot-electron bolometer (HEB) mixer is investigated at 500 GHz with an IF system incorporating with a frequency down-converting scheme which is able to sweep the IF signal in a frequency range of 0.3-4 GHz. The IF gain bandwidth of the device is measured to be 1.5 GHz when it is biased at a voltage of the minimum noise temperature, and becomes larger when the bias voltage increases.
Corporate Author Thesis
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Series Volume Series Issue Edition
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Approved no
Call Number RPLAB @ lobanovyury @ Serial 575
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