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Author Gerecht, E.; Musante, C.F.; Zhuang, Y.; Ji, M.; Yngvesson, K.S.; Goyette, T.; Waldman, J.
Title NbN hot electron bolometric mixer with intrinsic receiver noise temperature of less than five times the quantum noise limit Type Conference Article
Year (up) 2000 Publication Proc. IMS Abbreviated Journal
Volume 2 Issue Pages 1007-1010
Keywords HEB mixer
Abstract In recent years, improvements in device development and quasi-optical coupling techniques utilizing planar antennas have led to a significant achievement in low noise receivers for the edges of the submillimeter frequency regime. Hot electron bolometric (HEB) receivers made of thin superconducting films such as NbN have produced a viable option for instruments designed to measure the molecular spectra for astronomical applications as well as in remote sensing of the atmosphere in the THz regime. This paper describes an NbN HEB mixer with intrinsic DSB receiver noise temperature of at most five times the quantum noise limit at frequencies as high as 2.24 THz
Corporate Author Thesis
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Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Approved no
Call Number Serial 477
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