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Author (up) Eletskii, A. V.; Sarychev, A. K.; Boginskaya, I. A.; Bocharov, G. S.; Gaiduchenko, I. A.; Egin, M. S.; Ivanov, A. V.; Kurochkin, I. N.; Ryzhikov, I. A.; Fedorov, G. E.
Title Amplification of a Raman scattering signal by carbon nanotubes Type Journal Article
Year 2018 Publication Dokl. Phys. Abbreviated Journal Dokl. Phys.
Volume 63 Issue 12 Pages 496-498
Keywords carbon nanotubes, CNT, Raman scattering, RLS
Abstract The effect of Raman scattering (RLS) signal amplification by carbon nanotubes (CNTs) was studied. Single-layered nanotubes were synthesized by the chemical vapor deposition (CVD) method using methane as a carbon-containing gas. The object of study used was water, the Raman spectrum of which is rather well known. Amplification of the Raman scattering signal by several hundred percent was attained in our work. The maximum amplification of a Raman scattering signal was shown to be achieved at an optimal density of nanotubes on a substrate. This effect was due to the scattering and screening of plasmons excited in CNTs by neighboring nanotubes. The amplification mechanism and the possibilities of optimization for this effect were discussed on the basis of the theory of plasmon resonance in carbon nanotubes.
Corporate Author Thesis
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Language Summary Language Original Title
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Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 1028-3358 ISBN Medium
Area Expedition Conference
Notes Approved no
Call Number Serial 1775
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