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Author Gayduchenko, I. A.; Fedorov, G. E.; Moskotin, M. V.; Yagodkin, D. I.; Seliverstov, S. V.; Goltsman, G. N.; Yu Kuntsevich, A.; Rybin, M. G.; Obraztsova, E. D.; Leiman, V. G.; Shur, M. S.; Otsuji, T.; Ryzhii, V. I.
Title Manifestation of plasmonic response in the detection of sub-terahertz radiation by graphene-based devices Type Journal Article
Year 2018 Publication Nanotechnol. Abbreviated Journal Nanotechnol.
Volume 29 Issue 24 Pages 245204 (1 to 8)
Keywords single layer graphene, graphene nanoribbons
Abstract We report on the sub-terahertz (THz) (129-450 GHz) photoresponse of devices based on single layer graphene and graphene nanoribbons with asymmetric source and drain (vanadium and gold) contacts. Vanadium forms a barrier at the graphene interface, while gold forms an Ohmic contact. We find that at low temperatures (77 K) the detector responsivity rises with the increasing frequency of the incident sub-THz radiation. We interpret this result as a manifestation of a plasmonic effect in the devices with the relatively long plasmonic wavelengths. Graphene nanoribbon devices display a similar pattern, albeit with a lower responsivity.
Address Physics Department, Moscow State University of Education, Moscow 119991, Russia. National Research Center 'Kurchatov Institute', 123182, Moscow, Russia
Corporate Author Thesis
Publisher Place of Publication Editor
Language Summary Language Original Title
Series Editor Series Title Abbreviated Series Title
Series Volume Series Issue Edition
ISSN 0957-4484 ISBN Medium (up)
Area Expedition Conference
Notes PMID:29553479 Approved no
Call Number Serial 1308
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