Gershenzon, E. M., Goltsman, G. N., Semenov, A. D., & Sergeev, A. V. (1989). Limiting characteristic of fast superconducting bolometers. Sov. Phys.-Tech. Phys., 34, 195–199.
Abstract: Теоретически и экспериментально исследовано физическое ограничение быстродействия сверхпроводящего болометра. Показано, что минимальная постоянная времени реализуется в условиях электронного разогрева и определяется процессом неупругого электрон-фонон- ного взаимодействия. Сформулированы требования кконструкции «электронного болометра» для достижения предельной чувствительности. Проведено сравнение характеристик электронного болометра и обычных болометров различных типов.
Manova, N. N., Korneeva, Y. P., Korneev, A. A., Slysz, W., Voronov, B. M., & Gol'tsman, G. N. (2011). Superconducting NbN single-photon detector integrated with quarter-wave resonator. Tech. Phys. Lett., 37(5), 469–471.
Abstract: The spectral dependence of the quantum efficiency of superconducting NbN single-photon detectors integrated with quarter-wave resonators based on Si3N4, SiO2, and SiO layers has been studied.
Men’shchikov, E. M., Gogidze, I. G., Sergeev, A. V., Elant’ev, A. I., Kuminov, P. B., Gol’tsman, G. N., et al. (1997). Superconducting fast detector based on the nonequilibrium inductance response of a film of niobium nitride. Tech. Phys. Lett., 23(6), 486–488.
Abstract: A new type of fast detector is proposed, whose operation is based on the variation of the kinetic inductance of a superconducting film caused by nonequilibrium quasiparticles created by the electromagnetic radiation. The speed of the detector is determined by the rate of multiplication of photo-excited quasiparticles, and is nearly independent of the temperature, being less than 1 ps for NbN. Models based on the Owen-Scalapino scheme give a good description of the experimentally determined dependence of the power-voltage sensitivity of the detector on the modulation frequency. The lifetime of the quasiparticles is determined, and it is shown that the reabsorption of nonequilibrium phonons by the condensate has a substantial effect even in ultrathin NbN films 5 nm thick, and results in the maximum possible quantum yield. A low concentration of equilibrium quasiparticles and a high quantum yield result in a detectivity D*=1012 W−1·Hz1/2 at a temperature T=4.2 K and D*=1016 W−1·cm· Hz1/2 at T=1.6 K.
Ozhegov, R. V., Gorshkov, K. N., Okunev, O. V., & Gol’tsman, G. N. (2010). Superconducting hot-electron bolometer mixer as element of thermal imager matrix. Tech. Phys. Lett., 36(11), 1006–1008.
Abstract: The possibility of using a matrix of sensitive elements on a 12-mm-diameter hyperhemispherical lens in a thermal imager operating in the terahertz range has been studied. Dimensions of a lens region acceptable for arrangement of the matrix, in which the receiver noise temperature varies within 16% of the mean value, are determined to be 3.3% of the lens diameter. Deviations of the main lobe of the directivity pattern are evaluated, which amount to ±1.25° relative to the direction toward the optimum position of a mixer. The fluctuation sensitivity of the receiver measured in experiment is 0.5 K at a frequency of 300 GHz.
Pentin, I. V., Smirnov, A. V., Ryabchun, S. A., Ozhegov, R. V., Gol’tsman, G. N., Vaks, V. L., et al. (2012). Semiconducting superlattice as a solid-state terahertz local oscillator for NbN hot-electron bolometer mixers. Tech. Phys., 57(7), 971–974.
Abstract: We present the results of our studies of the semiconducting superlattice (SSL) frequency multiplier and its application as part of the solid state local oscillator (LO) in the terahertz heterodyne receiver based on a NbN hot-electron bolometer (HEB) mixer. We show that the SSL output power level increases as the ambient temperature is lowered to 4.2 K, the standard HEB operation temperature.