Baeva, E., Sidorova, M., Korneev, A., & Goltsman, G. (2018). Precise measurement of the thermal conductivity of superconductor. In Proc. AIP Conf. (Vol. 1936, 020003 (1 to 4)).
Abstract: Measuring the thermal properties such as the heat capacity provide information about intrinsic mechanisms operated inside. In general, the ratio between electron and phonon specific heat Ce/Cp shows how the absorbed energy shared between electron and phonon subsystems. In this work we make estimations for amplitude-modulated absorption of THz radiation technique for investigation of the ratio Ce/Cp in superconducting Niobium Nitride (NbN) at T = Tc. Our results indicates that experimentally the frequency of modulation has to be extra large to extract the quantity. We perform a new technique allowed to work at low frequency with accurately measurement of absorbed power.
Titova, N. A., Baeva, E. M., Kardakova, A. I., & Goltsman, G. N. (2020). Fabrication of NbN/SiNx:H/SiO2 membrane structures for study of heat conduction at low temperatures. In J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. (Vol. 1695, 012190).
Abstract: Here we report on the development of NbN/SiNx:H/SiO2-membrane structures for investigation of the thermal transport at low temperatures. Thin NbN films are known to be in the regime of a strong electron-phonon coupling, and one can assume that the phononic and electronic baths in the NbN are in local equilibrium. In such case, the cooling of the NbN-based devices strongly depends on acoustic matching to the substrate and substrate thermal characteristics. For the insulating membrane much thicker than the NbN film, our preliminary results demonstrate that the membrane serves as an additional channel for the thermal relaxation of the NbN sample. That implies a negligible role of thermal boundary resistance of the NbN-SiNx:H interface in comparison with the internal thermal resistance of the insulating membrane.
Baeva, E. M., Titova, N. A., Kardakova, A. I., Piatrusha, S. U., & Khrapai, V. S. (2020). Universal bottleneck for thermal relaxation in disordered metallic films. Jetp Lett., 111(2), 104–108.
Abstract: We study the heat relaxation in current biased metallic films in the regime of strong electron–phonon coupling. A thermal gradient in the direction normal to the film is predicted, with a spatial temperature profile determined by the temperature-dependent heat conduction. In the case of strong phonon scattering, the heat conduction occurs predominantly via the electronic system and the profile is parabolic. This regime leads to the linear dependence of the noise temperature as a function of bias voltage, in spite of the fact that all the dimensions of the film are large compared to the electron–phonon relaxation length. This is in stark contrast to the conventional scenario of relaxation limited by the electron–phonon scattering rate. A preliminary experimental study of a 200-nm-thick NbN film indicates the relevance of our model for materials used in superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors.
Samsonova, A. S., Zolotov, P. I., Baeva, E. M., Lomakin, A. I., Titova, N. A., Kardakova, A. I., et al. (2021). Signatures of surface magnetic disorder in niobium films. IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., 31(5), 1–5.
Abstract: We present our studies on the evolution of the normal and superconducting properties with thickness of thin Nb films with a low level of non-magnetic disorder ( kFl≈150 for the thickest film in the set). The analysis of the superconducting behavior points to the presence of magnetic moments, hidden in the native oxide on the surface of Nb films. Using the Abrikosov-Gorkov theory, we obtain the density of surface magnetic moments of 1013 cm −2 , which is in agreement with the previously reported data for Nb films.
Baeva, E. M., Titova, N. A., Veyrat, L., Sacépé, B., Semenov, A. V., Goltsman, G. N., et al. (2021). Thermal relaxation in metal films limited by diffuson lattice excitations of amorphous substrates. Phys. Rev. Applied, 15(5), 054014.
Abstract: We examine the role of a silicon-based amorphous insulating substrate in the thermal relaxation in thin NbN, InOx, and Au/Ni films at temperatures above 5 K. The samples studied consist of metal bridges on an amorphous insulating layer lying on or suspended above a crystalline substrate. Noise thermometry is used to measure the electron temperature Te of the films as a function of Joule power per unit area P2D. In all samples, we observe a P2D∝Tne dependence, with exponent n≃2, which is inconsistent with both electron-phonon coupling and Kapitza thermal resistance. In suspended samples, the functional dependence of P2D(Te) on the length of the amorphous insulating layer is consistent with the linear temperature dependence of the thermal conductivity, which is related to lattice excitations (diffusons) for a phonon mean free path shorter than the dominant phonon wavelength. Our findings are important for understanding the operation of devices embedded in amorphous dielectrics.