Smirnov, K., Korneev, A., Minaeva, O., Divochij, A., Rubtsova, I., Antipov, A., et al. (2006). Superconducting single-photon detector for near- and middle IR wavelength range. In Proc. 16th Int. Crimean Microwave and Telecommunication Technology (Vol. 2, pp. 684–685).
Abstract: Presented in this paper are the results of research of NbN-film superconducting single-photon detector. At 2 K temperature, quantum efficiency in the visible light (0.56 mum) reaches 30-40 %. With the wavelength increase quantum efficiency decreases and comes to 20% at 1.55 mum and 0.02% at 5.6 mum. Minimum dark counts rate is 2times10-4s-1. The jitter of detector is 35 ps. The detector was successfully implemented for integrated circuits non-invasive optical testing. It is also perspective for quantum cryptography systems