Korneev, A., Korneeva, Y., Florya, I., Elezov, M., Manova, N., Tarkhov, M., et al. (2011). Recent advances in superconducting NbN single-photon detector development. In Proc. SPIE (Vol. 8072, 807202 (1 to 10)).
Abstract: Superconducting single-photon detector (SSPD) is a planar nanostructure patterned from 4-nm-thick NbN film deposited on sapphire substrate. The sensitive element of the SSPD is 100-nm-wide NbN strip. The device is operated at liquid helium temperature. Absorption of a photon leads to a local suppression of superconductivity producing subnanosecond-long voltage pulse. In infrared (at 1550 nm and longer wavelengths) SSPD outperforms avalanche photodiodes in terms of detection efficiency (DE), dark counts rate, maximum counting rate and timing jitter. Efficient single-mode fibre coupling of the SSPD enabled its usage in many applications ranging from single-photon sources research to quantum cryptography. Recently we managed to improve the SSPD performance and measured 25% detection efficiency at 1550 nm wavelength and dark counts rate of 10 s-1. We also improved photon-number resolving SSPD (PNR-SSPD) which realizes a spatial multiplexing of incident photons enabling resolving of up to 4 simultaneously absorbed photons. Another improvement is the increase of the photon absorption using a λ/4 microcavity integrated with the SSPD. And finally in our strive to increase the DE at longer wavelengths we fabricated SSPD with the strip almost twice narrower compared to the standard 100 nm and demonstrated that in middle infrared (about 3 μm wavelength) these devices have DE several times higher compared to the traditional SSPDs.
Korneeva, Y., Florya, I., Vdovichev, S., Moshkova, M., Simonov, N., Kaurova, N., et al. (2017). Comparison of hot-spot formation in NbN and MoN thin superconducting films after photon absorption. In IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity (Vol. 27, 5).
Abstract: In superconducting single-photon detectors SSPD
the efficiency of local suppression of superconductivity and hotspot
formation is controlled by diffusivity and electron-phonon
interaction time. Here we selected a material, 3.6-nm-thick MoNx
film, which features diffusivity close to those of NbN traditionally
used for SSPD fabrication, but with electron-phonon interaction
time an order of magnitude larger. In MoNx detectors we study
the dependence of detection efficiency on bias current, photon
energy, and strip width and compare it with NbN SSPD. We
observe non-linear current-energy dependence in MoNx SSPD
and more pronounced plateaus in dependences of detection
efficiency on bias current which we attribute to longer electronphonon
interaction time.