Elmanov, I., Elmanova, A., Komrakova, S., Golikov, A., Kaurova, N., Kovalyuk, V., et al. (2019). Method for determination of resists parameters for photonic – integrated circuits e-beam lithography on silicon nitride platform. In EPJ Web Conf. (Vol. 220, 03012).
Abstract: In the work the thicknesses of the e-beam resists ZEP 520A and ma-N 2400 by using non-destructive method were measured, as well as recipe for the high ratio between the Si3N4 and the resists etching rate was determined. The work has a practical application for e-beam lithography of photonic-integrated circuits and nanophotonics devices based on silicon nitride platform.
Jiang, L., Miao, W., Zhang, W., Li, N., Lin, Z. H., Yao, Q. J., et al. (2006). Characterization of a quasi-optical NbN superconducting HEB mixer. IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory Techn., 54(7), 2944–2948.
Abstract: In this paper, the performance of a quasi-optical NbN superconducting hot-electron bolometer (HEB) mixer, cryogenically cooled by a close-cycled 4-K refrigerator, is thoroughly investigated at 300, 500, and 850 GHz. The lowest receiver noise temperatures measured at the respective three frequencies are 1400, 900, and 1350 K, which can go down to 659, 413, and 529 K, respectively, after correcting the loss and associated noise contribution of the quasi-optical system before the measured superconducting HEB mixer. The stability of the quasi-optical superconducting HEB mixer is also investigated here. The Allan variance time measured with a local oscillator pumping at 500 GHz and an IF bandwidth of 110 MHz is 1.5 s at the dc-bias voltage exhibiting the lowest noise temperature and increases to 2.5 s at a dc bias twice that voltage.
Goltsman, G., Korneev, A., Divochiy, A., Minaeva, O., Tarkhov, M., Kaurova, N., et al. (2009). Ultrafast superconducting single-photon detector. J. Modern Opt., 56(15), 1670–1680.
Abstract: The state-of-the-art of the NbN nanowire superconducting single-photon detector technology (SSPD) is presented. The SSPDs exhibit excellent performance at 2 K temperature: 30% quantum efficiency from visible to infrared, negligible dark count rate, single-photon sensitivity up to 5.6 µm. The recent achievements in the development of GHz counting rate devices with photon-number resolving capability is presented.
Fedorov, G. E., Stepanova, T. S., Gazaliev, A. S., Gaiduchenko, I. A., Kaurova, N. S., Voronov, B. M., et al. (2016). Asymmetric devices based on carbon nanotubes for terahertz-range radiation detection. Semicond., 50(12), 1600–1603.
Abstract: Various asymmetric detecting devices based on carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are studied. The asymmetry is understood as inhomogeneous properties along the conducting channel. In the first type of devices, an inhomogeneous morphology of the CNT grid is used. In the second type of devices, metals with highly varying work functions are used as the contact material. The relation between the sensitivity and detector configuration is analyzed. Based on the data obtained, approaches to the development of an efficient detector of terahertz radiation, based on carbon nanotubes are proposed.
Tret’yakov, I. V., Ryabchun, S. A., Kaurova, N. S., Larionov, P. A., Lobastova, A. A., Voronov, B. M., et al. (2010). Optimum absorbed heterodyne power for superconducting NbN hot-electron bolometer mixer. Tech. Phys. Lett., 36(12), 1103–1105.
Abstract: Absorbed heterodyne power has been measured in a low-noise broadband hot-electron bolometer (HEB) mixer for the terahertz range, operating on the effect of electron heating in the resistive state of an ultrathin superconducting NbN film. It is established that the optimum absorbed heterodyne power for the HEB mixer operating at 2.5 THz is about 100 nW.