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Shein, K. V., Zarudneva, A. A., Emel’yanova, V. O., Logunova, M. A., Chichkov, V. I., Sobolev, A. S., et al. (2020). Superconducting microstructures with high impedance. Phys. Solid State, 62(9), 1539–1542.
Abstract: The transport properties of two types of quasi-one-dimensional superconducting microstructures were investigated at ultra-low temperatures: the narrow channels close-packed in the shape of meander, and the chains of tunneling contacts “superconductor-insulator-superconductor.” Both types of the microstructures demonstrated high value of high-frequency impedance and-or the dynamic resistance. The study opens up potential for using of such structures as current stabilizing elements with zero dissipation.