Finkel, M., Thierschmann, H. R., Galatro, L., Katan, A. J., Thoen, D. J., de Visser, P. J., et al. (2016). Branchline and directional THz coupler based on PECVD SiNx-technology. In 41st IRMMW-THz.
Abstract: A fabrication technology to realize THz microstrip lines and passive circuit components is developed and tested making use of a plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition grown silicon nitride (PECVD SiNx) dielectric membrane. We use 2 μm thick SiNx and 300 nm thick gold layers on sapphire substrates. We fabricate a set of structures for thru-reflect-line (TRL) calibration, with the reflection standard implemented as a short through the via. We find losses of 9.5 dB/mm at 300 GHz for a 50 Ohm line. For a branchline coupler we measure 2.5 dB insertion loss, 1 dB amplitude imbalance and 21 dB isolation. Good control over the THz lines parameters is proven by similar performance of a set of 5 structures. The directional couplers show -14 dB transmission to the coupled port, -24 dB to the isolated port and -25 dB in reflection. The SiNx membrane, used as a dielectric, is compatible with atomic force microscopy (AFM) cantilevers allowing the application of this technology to the development of a THz near-field microscope.
Finkel, M., Thierschmann, H., Galatro, L., Katan, A. J., Thoen, D. J., de Visser, P. J., et al. (2017). Performance of THz components based on microstrip PECVD SiNx technology. IEEE Trans. THz Sci. Technol., 7(6), 765–771.
Abstract: We present a performance analysis of passive THz components based on Microstrip transmission lines with a 2-μmthin plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition grown silicon nitride (PECVD SiNX) dielectric layer. A set of thru-reflect-line calibration structures is used for basic transmission line characterizations. We obtain losses of 9 dB/mm at 300 GHz. Branchline hybrid couplers are realized that exhibit 2.5-dB insertion loss, 1-dB amplitude imbalance, and -26-dB isolation, in agreement with simulations. We use the measured center frequency to determine the dielectric constant of the PECVD SiN x , which yields 5.9. We estimate the wafer-to-wafer variations to be of the order of 1%. Directional couplers are presented which exhibit -12-dB transmission to the coupled port and -26 dB to the isolated port. For transmission lines with 5-μm-thin silicon nitride (SiN x ), we observe losses below 4 dB/mm. The thin SiN x dielectric membrane makes the THz components compatible with scanning probe microscopy cantilevers allowing the application of this technology in on-chip circuits of a THz near-field microscope.