Baeva, E. M., Titova, N. A., Veyrat, L., Sacépé, B., Semenov, A. V., Goltsman, G. N., et al. (2021). Thermal relaxation in metal films bottlenecked by diffuson lattice excitations of amorphous substrates. arXiv:2101.07071v1 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci]. Retrieved January 25, 2025, from https://arxiv.org/abs/2101.07071v1
Abstract: Here we examine the role of the amorphous insulating substrate in the thermal relaxation in thin NbN, InOx, and Au/Ni films at temperatures above 5 K. The studied samples are made up of metal bridges on an amorphous insulating layer lying on or suspended above a crystalline substrate. Noise thermometry was used to measure the electron temperature Te of the films as a function of Joule power per unit of area P2D. In all samples, we observe the dependence P2D∝Tne with the exponent n≃2, which is inconsistent with both electron-phonon coupling and Kapitza thermal resistance. In suspended samples, the functional dependence of P2D(Te) on the length of the amorphous insulating layer is consistent with the linear T-dependence of the thermal conductivity, which is related to lattice excitations (diffusons) for the phonon mean free path smaller than the dominant phonon wavelength. Our findings are important for understanding the operation of devices embedded in amorphous dielectrics.
Baeva, E. M., Titova, N. A., Veyrat, L., Sacépé, B., Semenov, A. V., Goltsman, G. N., et al. (2021). Thermal relaxation in metal films limited by diffuson lattice excitations of amorphous substrates. Phys. Rev. Applied, 15(5), 054014.
Abstract: We examine the role of a silicon-based amorphous insulating substrate in the thermal relaxation in thin NbN, InOx, and Au/Ni films at temperatures above 5 K. The samples studied consist of metal bridges on an amorphous insulating layer lying on or suspended above a crystalline substrate. Noise thermometry is used to measure the electron temperature Te of the films as a function of Joule power per unit area P2D. In all samples, we observe a P2D∝Tne dependence, with exponent n≃2, which is inconsistent with both electron-phonon coupling and Kapitza thermal resistance. In suspended samples, the functional dependence of P2D(Te) on the length of the amorphous insulating layer is consistent with the linear temperature dependence of the thermal conductivity, which is related to lattice excitations (diffusons) for a phonon mean free path shorter than the dominant phonon wavelength. Our findings are important for understanding the operation of devices embedded in amorphous dielectrics.