Beck, M., Klammer, M., Rousseau, I., Gol’tsman, G. N., Diamant, I., Dagan, Y., et al. (2015). Probing superconducting gap dynamics with THz pulses. In CLEO (SM3H.3 (1 to 2)). Optical Society of America.
Abstract: We studied superconducting gap dynamics in a BCS superconductor NbN and electron doped cuprate superconductor PCCO following excitation with near-infrared (NIR) and narrow band THz pulses. Systematic studies on PCCO imply very selective electron-phonon coupling.
Betz, A. L., Johnson, M. A., McLaren, R. A., & Sutton, E. C. (1976). Heterodyne detection of CO2 emission lines and wind velocities in the atmosphere of Venus. Astrophys. J., 208, L141–L144.
Doi, Y., Wang, Z., Ueda, T., Nickels, P., Komiyama, S., Patrashin, M., et al. (2009). CSIP – a novel photon-counting detector applicable for the SPICA far-infrared instrument. SPICA, (SPICA Workshop 2009).
Abstract: We describe a novel GaAs/AlGaAs double-quantumwell device for the infrared photon detection, called ChargeSensitive Infrared Phototransistor (CSIP). The principle of CSIP detector is the photo-excitation of an intersubband transition in a QW as an charge integrating gate and the signal ampli<ef><ac><81>cation by another QW as a channel with very high gain, which provides us with extremely high responsivity (104 – 106 A/W). It has been demonstrated that the CSIP designed for the mid-infrared wavelength (14.7 μm) has an excellent sensitivity; the noise equivalent power (NEP) of 7 × 10-19 W/ with the quantum effciency of ~ 2%. Advantages of the CSIP against the other highly sensitive detectors are, huge dynamic range of > 106, low output impedance of 103 – 104 Ohms, and relatively high operation temperature (> 2 K). We discuss possible applications of the CSIP to FIR photon detection covering 35 – 60 μm waveband, which is a gap uncovered with presently available photoconductors.
Ferrari, S., Kovalyuk, V., Hartmann, W., Vetter, A., Kahl, O., Lee, C., et al. (2017). Hot-spot relaxation time current dependence in niobium nitride waveguide-integrated superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors. Opt. Express, 25(8), 8739–8750.
Abstract: We investigate how the bias current affects the hot-spot relaxation dynamics in niobium nitride. We use for this purpose a near-infrared pump-probe technique on a waveguide-integrated superconducting nanowire single-photon detector driven in the two-photon regime. We observe a strong increase in the picosecond relaxation time for higher bias currents. A minimum relaxation time of (22 +/- 1)ps is obtained when applying a bias current of 50% of the switching current at 1.7 K bath temperature. We also propose a practical approach to accurately estimate the photon detection regimes based on the reconstruction of the measured detector tomography at different bias currents and for different illumination conditions.
Gershenson, M. E., Gong, D., Sato, T., Karasik, B. S., & Sergeev, A. V. (2001). Millisecond electron-phonon relaxation in ultrathin disordered metal films at millikelvin temperatures. Appl. Phys. Lett., 79, 2049–2051.