Gao, J. R., Hajenius, M., Baselmans, J. J. A., Klapwijk, T. M., de Korte, P. A. J., Voronov, B., et al. (2004). NbN hot electron bolometer mixers with superior performance for space applications. In E. Armandillo, & B. Leone (Eds.), Proc. Int. workshop on low temp. electronics (pp. 11–17). Noordwijk.
Gao, J. R., Hajenius, M., Baselmans, J. J. A., Yang, Z. Q., Baryshev, A. M., Barends, R., et al. (2005). Twin-slot antenna coupled NbN hot electron bolometer mixers for space applications. In Proc. 9-th WMSCI (Vol. 9, pp. 148–153). International Institute of Informatics and Systemics.
Gao, J. R., Hajenius, M., Tichelaar, F. D., Voronov, B., Grishina, E., Klapwijk, T. M., et al. (2006). Can NbN films on 3C-SiC/Si change the IF bandwidth of hot electron bolometer mixers? In Proc. 17th Int. Symp. Space Terahertz Technol. (pp. 187–189).
Abstract: We realized ultra thin NbN films sputtered grown on a 3C-SiC/Si substrate. The film with a thickness of 3.5-4.5 nm shows a 1', of 11.8 K, which is the highest I`, observed among ultra thin NbN films on different substrates. The high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) studies show that the film has a monocrystalline structure, confirming the epitaxial growth on the 3C-SiC. Based on a two-temperature model and input parameters from standard NbN films on Si, simulations predict that the new film can increase the IF bandwidth of a HEB mixer by about a factor of 2 in comparison to the standard films. In addition, we find standard NbN films on Si with a T c of 9.4 K have a thickness of around 5.5 nm, being thicker than expected (3.5 nm).
Gao, J. R., Hiajenius, M., Yang, Z. Q., Klapwijk, T. M., Miao, W., Shi, S. C., et al. (2006). Direct comparison of the sensitivity of a spiral and a twin-slot antenna coupled HEB mixer at 1.6 THz. In Proc. 17th Int. Symp. Space Terahertz Technol. (pp. 59–62).
Abstract: To make a direct comparison of the sensitivity between a spiral and a twin slot antenna coupled HEB mixer, we designed both types of mixers and fabricated them in a single processing run and on the same wafer. Both mixers have similar dimensions of NbN bridges (1.5-2 pm x0.2 pm). At 1.6 THz we obtained a nearly identical receiver noise temperature from both mixers (only 5% difference), which is in a good agreement with the simulation based on semi analytical models for both antennas. In addition, by using a bandpass filter to reduce the direct detection effect and lowering the bath temperature to 2.4 K, we measured the lowest receiver noise temperature of 700 K at 1.63 THz using the twin-slot antenna mixer.
Gerecht, E., Musante, C. F., Jian, H., Yngvesson, K. S., Dickinson, J., Waldman, J., et al. (1998). Measured results for NbN phonon-cooled hot electron bolometric mixers at 0.6-0.75 THz, 1.56 THz, and 2.5 THz. In Proc. 9th Int. Symp. Space Terahertz Technol. (pp. 105–114).