Anfertev, V., Vaks, V., Revin, L., Pentin, I., Tretyakov, I., Goltsman, G., et al. (2017). High resolution THz gas spectrometer based on semiconductor and superconductor devices. In EPJ Web Conf. (Vol. 132, 02001 (1 to 2)).
Abstract: The high resolution THz gas spectrometer consists of a synthesizer based on Gunn generator with a semiconductor superlattice frequency multiplier as a radiation source, and an NbN hot electron bolometer in a direct detection mode as a THz radiation receiver was presented. The possibility of application of a quantum cascade laser as a local oscillator for a heterodyne receiver which is based on an NbN hot electron bolometer mixer is shown. The ways for further developing of the THz spectroscopy were outlined.
Gerecht, E., Musante, C. F., Schuch, R., Lutz, C. R., Jr., Yngvesson, K. S., et al. (1995). Hot electron detection and mixing experiments in NbN at 119 micrometer wavelength. In Proc. 6th Int. Symp. Space Terahertz Technol. (pp. 284–293).
Abstract: We have performed preliminary experiments with the goal of demonstrating a Hot Electron Bolometric (HEB) mixer for a 119 micrometer wavelength (2.5 THz). We have chosen a NbN device of size 700 x 350 micrometers. This device can easily be coupled to a laser LO source, which is advantageous for performing a prototype experiment. The relatively large size of the device means that the LO power required is in the mW range; this power can be easily obtained from a THz laser source. We have measured the amount of laser power actually absorbed in the device, and from this have estimated the best optical coupling loss to be about 10 di . We are developing methods for improving the optical coupling further. Preliminary measurements of the response of the device to a chopped black-body have not yet resulted in a measured receiver noise temperature. We expect to be able to complete this measurement in the near future.