Antipov, A. V., Seleznev, V. A., Vakhtomin, Y. B., Morozov, P. V., Vasilev, D. D., Malevannaya, E. I., et al. (2020). Investigation of WSi and NbN superconducting single-photon detectors in mid-IR range. In IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. (Vol. 781, 012011 (1 to 5)).
Abstract: Spectral characteristics of WSi and NbN superconducting single-photon detectors with different surface resistance and width of nanowire strips have been investigated in the wavelength range of 1.3-2.5 μm. WSi structures with narrower strips demonstrated better performance for detection of single photons in longer wavelength range. The difference in normalized photon count rate for such structures reaches one order of magnitude higher in comparison with structures based on NbN thin films at 2.5 μm.
Baeva, E., Sidorova, M., Korneev, A., & Goltsman, G. (2018). Precise measurement of the thermal conductivity of superconductor. In Proc. AIP Conf. (Vol. 1936, 020003 (1 to 4)).
Abstract: Measuring the thermal properties such as the heat capacity provide information about intrinsic mechanisms operated inside. In general, the ratio between electron and phonon specific heat Ce/Cp shows how the absorbed energy shared between electron and phonon subsystems. In this work we make estimations for amplitude-modulated absorption of THz radiation technique for investigation of the ratio Ce/Cp in superconducting Niobium Nitride (NbN) at T = Tc. Our results indicates that experimentally the frequency of modulation has to be extra large to extract the quantity. We perform a new technique allowed to work at low frequency with accurately measurement of absorbed power.
Baeva, E. M., Sidorova, M. V., Korneev, A. A., Smirnov, K. V., Divochy, A. V., Morozov, P. V., et al. (2018). Thermal properties of NbN single-photon detectors. Phys. Rev. Applied, 10(6), 064063 (1 to 8).
Abstract: We investigate thermal properties of a NbN single-photon detector capable of unit internal detection efficiency. Using an independent calibration of the coupling losses, we determine the absolute optical power absorbed by the NbN film and, via resistive superconductor thermometry, the temperature dependence of the thermal resistance Z(T) of the NbN film. In principle, this approach permits simultaneous measurement of the electron-phonon and phonon-escape contributions to the energy relaxation, which in our case is ambiguous because of the similar temperature dependencies. We analyze Z(T) with a two-temperature model and impose an upper bound on the ratio of electron and phonon heat capacities in NbN, which is surprisingly close to a recent theoretical lower bound for the same quantity in similar devices.
Casaburi, A., Ejrnaes, M., Quaranta, O., Gaggero, A., Mattioli, F., Leoni, R., et al. (2008). Experimental characterization of NbN nanowire optical detectors with parallel stripline configuration. In J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. (Vol. 97, 012265 (1 to 6)). IOP Publishing.
Abstract: We have developed a novel geometrical configuration for NbN-based superconducting single photon optical detector (SSPD) that achieves two goals: a much lower intrinsic impedance, and a consequently greater bandwidth, and a much larger signal amplitude compared to the standard meandered configuration. This has been obtained by implementing a properly designed parallel stripline structure where a cascade switching mechanism occurs when one of the striplines is hit by an optical photon. The overall switching occurs synchronously and in a very short time, giving rise to a strong and fast voltage pulse. The SSPD have been realized using state of the art NbN deposition technology and e-beam lithography. The strips are 100 nm wide and 5 μm long and have been realized with 4 nm NbN film on sapphire and Si substrate. We report on experimental characterization of such novel devices. The performances of the proposed novel type of SSPD are compared with standard SSPD design and results in terms of signal amplitude, risetime and effective detection area.
de Lara, D. P., Ejrnaes, M., Casaburi, A., Lisitskiy, M., Cristiano, R., Pagano, S., et al. (2008). Feasibility investigation of NbN nanowires as detector in time-of-flight mass spectrometers for macromolecules of interest in biology (proteins). J. Low Temp. Phys., 151(3-4), 771–776.
Abstract: We are investigating the possibility of using NbN nanowires as detectors in time-of-flight mass spectrometers for investigation of macromolecules of interest in biology (proteins). NbN nanowires could overcome the two major drawbacks encountered so far by cryogenic detectors, namely the low working temperature in the mK region and the slow temporal response. In fact, NbN nanowires can work at 5 K and the response time is at least a factor 10–100 better than that of other cryogenic detectors. We present a feasibility study based on a numerical code to calculate the response of a NbN nanowire. The parameter space is investigated at different energies from IR to macromolecules (i.e. from eV to keV) in order to understand if larger value of film thickness and width can be used for the keV energy region. We also present preliminary experimental results of irradiation with X-ray photons of NbN to simulate the effect of macromolecules of the same energy.