Koshelets, V. P., Shitov, S. V., Ermakov, A. B., Filippenko, L. V., Koryukin, O. V., Khudchenko, A. V., et al. (2005). Superconducting integrated receiver for TELIS. IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., 15(2), 960–963.
Koshelets, V. P., Dmitriev, P. N., Ermakov, A. B., Sobolev, A. S., Torgashin, M. Y., Kurin, V. V., et al. (2005). Optimization of the phase-locked flux-flow oscillator for the submm integrated receiver. IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., 15(2), 964–967.
Koshelets, V. P., Ermakov, A. B., Filippenko, L. V., Koryukin, O. V., Khudchenko, A. V., Sobolev, A. S., et al. (2006). Superconducting submm integrated receiver for TELIS. In J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. (Vol. 43, pp. 1377–1380).
Mygind, J., Samuelsen, M. R., Koshelets, V. P., & Sobolev, A. S. (2005). Simple theory for the spectral. linewidth of the mm-wave Josephson flux flow oscillator. In Pi-shift Workshop “Physics of superconducting phase-shift devices” (p. 22). Ischia, Italy.
Ozhegov, R. V., Gorshkov, K. N., Gol'tsman, G. N., Kinev, N. V., & Koshelets, V. P. (2011). The stability of a terahertz receiver based on a superconducting integrated receiver. Supercond. Sci. Technol., 24(3), 035003.
Abstract: We present the results of stability testing of a terahertz radiometer based on a superconducting receiver with a SIS tunnel junction as the mixer and a flux-flow oscillator as the local oscillator. In the continuum mode, the receiver with a noise temperature of 95 K at 510 GHz measured over the intermediate frequency (IF) passband of 4-8 GHz offered a noise equivalent temperature difference of 10 ± 1 mK at an integration time of 1 s. We offer a method to significantly increase the integration time without the use of complex measurement equipment. The receiver observed a strong signal over a final detection bandwidth of 4 GHz and offered an Allan time of 5 s.