Hübers, H. - W., Semenov, A., Richter, H., Birk, M., Krocka, M., Mair, U., et al. (2002). Terahertz Heterodyn Receiver with a hot-electron bolometer mixer. In U. Wolf, J. Farhoomand, & C. R. McCreight (Eds.), Far-IR, Sub-mm & MM Detector Technology Workshop (pp. 3–24). NASA CP. NASA.
Abstract: During the past decade major advances have been made regarding low noise mixers for terahertz (THz) heterodyne receivers. State of the art hot-electron-bolometer (HEB) mixers have noise temperatures close to the quantum limit and require less than a µW power from the local oscillator (LO). The technology is now at a point where the performance of a practical receiver employing such mixer, rather than the figures of merit of the mixer itself, are of major concern. We have incorporated a phonon-cooled NbN HEB mixer in a 2.5 THz heterodyne receiver and investigated the performance of the receiver. This yields important information for the development of heterodyne receivers such as GREAT (German receiver for astronomy at THz frequencies aboard SOFIA) [1] and TELIS (Terahertz limb sounder), a balloon borne heterodyne receiver for atmospheric research [2]. Both are currently under development at DLR.
Semenov, A., Hübers, H. - W., Engel, A., & Gol’tsman, G. (2002). Superconducting quantum detector for far infrared astronomy. In J. Wolf, J. Farhoomand, & C. R. McCreight (Eds.), Far-IR, Sub-mm & MM Detector Technology Workshop (pp. 3–49). NASA CP. NASA.
Abstract: We present the concept of the superconducting quantum detector for astronomy. Response to a single absorbed photon appears due to successive formation of a normal spot and phase-slip-centres in a narrow strip carrying sub-critical supercurrent. The detector simultaneously has a moderate energy resolution and a variable cut-off wavelength depending on both the material used and operation conditions. We simulated performance of the background-limited direct detector having the 100-micrometer cut-off wavelength. Low dark count rate will allow to realise 10-21 W Hz-1/2 noise equivalent power at 4 K background radiation. The detection mechanism provides a moderate 1/20 energy resolution at 50-micrometer wavelength.