Gayduchenko, I. A., Moskotin, M. V., Matyushkin, Y. E., Rybin, M. G., Obraztsova, E. D., Ryzhii, V. I., et al. (2018). The detection of sub-terahertz radiation using graphene-layer and graphene-nanoribbon FETs with asymmetric contacts. In Materials Today: Proc. (Vol. 5, pp. 27301–27306).
Abstract: We report on the detection of sub-terahertz radiation using single layer graphene and graphene-nanoribbon FETs with asymmetric contacts (one is the Schottky contact and one – the Ohmic contact). We found that cutting graphene into ribbons a hundred nanometers wide leads to a decrease of the response to sub-THz radiation. We show that suppression of the response in the graphene nanoribbons devices can be explained by unusual properties of the Schottky barrier on graphene-vanadium interface.