Trifonov, A., Tong, C. - Y. E., Grimes, P., Lobanov, Y., Kaurova, N., Blundell, R., et al. (2017). Development of a silicon membrane-based multipixel hot electron bolometer receiver. IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., 27(4), 1–5.
Abstract: We report on the development of a multipixel hot electron bolometer (HEB) receiver fabricated using silicon membrane technology. The receiver comprises a 2 × 2 array of four HEB mixers, fabricated on a single chip. The HEB mixer chip is based on a superconducting NbN thin-film deposited on top of the silicon-on-insulator (SOI) substrate. The thicknesses of the device layer and handling layer of the SOI substrate are 20 and 300 μm, respectively. The thickness of the device layer is chosen such that it corresponds to a quarter-wave in silicon at 1.35 THz. The HEB mixer is integrated with a bow-tie antenna structure, in turn designed for coupling to a circular waveguide, fed by a monolithic drilled smooth-walled horn array.
Zolotov, P., Vakhtomin, Y., Divochiy, A., Morozov, P., Seleznev, V., & Smirnov, K. (2017). Development of fast and high-effective single-photon detector for spectrum range up to 2.3 μm. In Proc. SPBOPEN (pp. 439–440).
Abstract: We present the results of development and testing of the single-photon-counting system operating in the wide spectrum rane up to 2.3 mcm. We managed to increase system detection efficiency up to 60% in the range of 1.7-2.3 mcm optimisation of the fabrication methods of superconducting single-photon detectors and application of the single-mode fiber with enlarged core diameter.
Zolotov, P. I., Divochiy, A. V., Vakhtomin, Y. B., Morozov, P. V., Seleznev, V. A., & Smirnov, K. V. (2017). Development of high-effective superconducting single-photon detectors aimed for mid-IR spectrum range. In J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. (Vol. 917, 062037).
Abstract: We report on development of superconducting single-photon detectors (SSPD) with high intrinsic quantum efficiency in the wavelength range 1.31 – 3.3 μm. By optimization of the NbN film thickness and its compound, we managed to improve detection efficiency of the detectors in the range up to 3.3 μm. Optimized devices showed intrinsic quantum efficiencies as high as 10% at mid-IR range.
Elezov, M. S., Ozhegov, R. V., Goltsman, G. N., & Makarov, V. (2017). Development of the experimental setup for investigation of latching of superconducting single-photon detector caused by blinding attack on the quantum key distribution system. In EPJ Web of Conferences (Vol. 132, 2).
Abstract: Recently bright-light control of the SSPD has been
demonstrated. This attack employed a “backdoor†in the detector biasing
scheme. Under bright-light illumination, SSPD becomes resistive and
remains “latched†in the resistive state even when the light is switched off.
While the SSPD is latched, Eve can simulate SSPD single-photon response
by sending strong light pulses, thus deceiving Bob. We developed the
experimental setup for investigation of a dependence on latching threshold
of SSPD on optical pulse length and peak power. By knowing latching
threshold it is possible to understand essential requirements for
development countermeasures against blinding attack on quantum key
distribution system with SSPDs.
Elezov, M. S., Ozhegov, R. V., Goltsman, G. N., Makarov, V., Vinogradov, E. A., Naumov, A. V., et al. (2017). Development of the experimental setup for investigation of latching of superconducting single-photon detector caused by blinding attack on the quantum key distribution system. In EPJ Web Conf. (Vol. 132, 01004 (1 to 2)).
Abstract: Recently bright-light control of the SSPD has been demonstrated. This attack employed a “backdoor” in the detector biasing scheme. Under bright-light illumination, SSPD becomes resistive and remains “latched” in the resistive state even when the light is switched off. While the SSPD is latched, Eve can simulate SSPD single-photon response by sending strong light pulses, thus deceiving Bob. We developed the experimental setup for investigation of a dependence on latching threshold of SSPD on optical pulse length and peak power. By knowing latching threshold it is possible to understand essential requirements for development countermeasures against blinding attack on quantum key distribution system with SSPDs.