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Zhang, J.; Pearlman, A.; Slysz, W.; Verevkin, A.; Sobolewski, R.; Wilsher, K.; Lo, W.; Okunev, O.; Korneev, A.; Kouminov, P.; Chulkova, G.; Gol’tsman, G. N. A superconducting single-photon detector for CMOS IC probing 2003 Proc. 16-th LEOS 2 602-603
Zhang, J.; Pearlman, A.; Slysz, W.; Verevkin, A.; Sobolewski, R.; Okunev, O.; Korneev, A.; Kouminov, P.; Smirnov, K.; Chulkova, G.; Gol’tsman, G. N.; Lo, W.; Wilsher, K. Infrared picosecond superconducting single-photon detectors for CMOS circuit testing 2003 CLEO/QELS Cmv4
Zhang, J.; Boiadjieva, N.; Chulkova, G.; Deslandes, H.; Gol'tsman, G. N.; Korneev, A.; Kouminov, P.; Leibowitz, M.; Lo, W.; Malinsky, R.; Okunev, O.; Pearlman, A.; Slysz, W.; Smirnov, K.; Tsao, C.; Verevkin, A.; Voronov, B.; Wilsher, K.; Sobolewski, R. Noninvasive CMOS circuit testing with NbN superconducting single-photon detectors 2003 Electron. Lett. 39 1086-1088
Verevkin, A.; Zhang, J.; Pearlman, A.; Slysz, W.; Sobolewski, Roman; Korneev, A.; Kouminov, P.; Okunev, O.; Chulkova, G.; Gol'tsman, G. Ultimate sensitivity of superconducting single-photon detectors in the visible to infrared range 2004 ResearchGate
Verevkin, A.; Slysz, W.; Pearlman, A.; Zhang, J.; Sobolewski, R.; Okunev, O.; Korneev, A.; Kouminov, P.; Smirnov, K.; Chulkova, G.; Gol’tsman, G. N.; Currie, M. Real-time GHz-rate counting of infrared photons using nanostructured NbN superconducting detectors 2003 CLEO/QELS CThM8