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Author (up) Title Year Publication Volume Pages
Dauler, E. A.; Robinson, B. S.; Kerman, A. J.; Yang, J. K. W.; Rosfjord, E. K. M.; Anant, V.; Voronov, B.; Gol'tsman, G.; Berggren, K. K. Multi-element superconducting nanowire single-photon detector 2007 IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 17 279-284
Delacour, C.; Claudon, J.; Poizat, J.-Ph.; Pannetier, B.; Bouchiat, V.; de Lamaestre, R. Espiau; Villegier, J.-C.; Tarkhov, M.; Korneev, A.; Voronov, B.; Gol'tsman, G. Superconducting single photon detectors made by local oxidation with an atomic force microscope 2007 Appl. Phys. Lett. 90 191116 (1 t0 3)
de Lara, D. Perez; Ejrnaes, M.; Casaburi, A.; Lisitskiy, M.; Cristiano, R.; Pagano, S.; Gaggero, A.; Leoni, R.; Golt’sman, G.; Voronov, B. Feasibility investigation of NbN nanowires as detector in time-of-flight mass spectrometers for macromolecules of interest in biology (proteins) 2008 J. Low Temp. Phys. 151 771-776
Dzardanov, A.; Ekstrom, H.; Gershenzon, E.; Gol'tsman, G.; Jacobsson, S.; Karasik, B.; Kollberg, E.; Okunev, O.; Voronov, B.; Yngvesson, S. Hot-electron superconducting mixers for 20-500 GHz operation 1994 Proc. Int. Conf. on Millimeter and Submillimeter Waves and Appl. 2250 276-278
Ejrnaes, M.; Cristiano, R.; Quaranta, O.; Pagano, S.; Gaggero, A.; Mattioli, F.; Leoni, R.; Voronov, B.; Gol’tsman, G. A cascade switching superconducting single photon detector 2007 Appl. Phys. Lett. 91 262509 (1 to 3)