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Bandurin, D. A.; Gayduchenko, I.; Cao, Y.; Moskotin, M.; Principi, A.; Grigorieva, I. V.; Goltsman, G.; Fedorov, G.; Svintsov, D. Dual origin of room temperature sub-terahertz photoresponse in graphene field effect transistors 2018 Appl. Phys. Lett. 112 141101 (1 to 5) details   doi
Bandurin, D. A.; Svintsov, D.; Gayduchenko, I.; Xu, S. G.; Principi, A.; Moskotin, M.; Tretyakov, I.; Yagodkin, D.; Zhukov, S.; Taniguchi, T.; Watanabe, K.; Grigorieva, I. V.; Polini, M.; Goltsman, G. N.; Geim, A. K.; Fedorov, G. Resonant terahertz detection using graphene plasmons 2018 Nat. Commun. 9 5392 (1 to 8) details   doi
Belosevich, V. V.; Gayduchenko, I. A.; Titova, N. A.; Zhukova, E. S.; Goltsman, G. N.; Fedorov, G. E.; Silaev, A. A. Response of carbon nanotube film transistor to the THz radiation 2018 EPJ Web Conf. 195 05012 (1 to 2) details   doi
Dube, I.; Jiménez, D.; Fedorov, G.; Boyd, A.; Gayduchenko, I.; Paranjape, M.; Barbara, P. Understanding the electrical response and sensing mechanism of carbon-nanotube-based gas sensors 2015 Carbon 87 330-337 details   doi
Fedorov, G.; Gayduchenko, I.; Titova, N.; Gazaliev, A.; Moskotin, M.; Kaurova, N.; Voronov, B.; Goltsman, G. Carbon nanotube based schottky diodes as uncooled terahertz radiation detectors 2018 Phys. Status Solidi B 255 1700227 (1 to 6) details   doi
Fedorov, G.; Gayduchenko, I.; Titova, N.; Moskotin, M.; Obraztsova, E.; Rybin, M.; Goltsman, G. Graphene-based lateral Schottky diodes for detecting terahertz radiation 2018 Proc. Optical Sensing and Detection V 10680 30-39 details   doi
Fedorov, G.; Kardakova, A.; Gayduchenko, I.; Charayev, I.; Voronov, B.M.; Finkel, M.; Klapwijk, T.M.; Morozov, S.; Presniakov, M.; Bobrinetskiy, I.; Ibragimov, R.; Goltsman, G. Photothermoelectric response in asymmetric carbon nanotube devices exposed to sub-terahertz radiation 2013 Appl. Phys. Lett. 103 181121 (1 to 5) details   doi
Fedorov, G.; Kardakova, A.; Gayduchenko, I.; Voronov, B. M.; Finkel, M.; Klapwijk, T. M.; Goltsman, G. Photothermoelectric response in asymmetric carbon nanotube devices exposed to sub-THz radiation 2014 Proc. 25th Int. Symp. Space Terahertz Technol. 71 details   url
Gayduchenko, I. A.; Fedorov, G. E.; Ibragimov, R. A.; Stepanova, T. S.; Gazaliev, A. S.; Vysochanskiy, N. A.; Bobrov, Y. A.; Malovichko, A. M.; Sosnin, I. M.; Bobrinetskiy, I. I. Synthesis of single-walled carbon nanotube networks using monodisperse metallic nanocatalysts encapsulated in reverse micelles 2016 Chem. Ind. Belgrade 70 1-8 details   doi
Gayduchenko, I. A.; Fedorov, G. E.; Moskotin, M. V.; Yagodkin, D. I.; Seliverstov, S. V.; Goltsman, G. N.; Yu Kuntsevich, A.; Rybin, M. G.; Obraztsova, E. D.; Leiman, V. G.; Shur, M. S.; Otsuji, T.; Ryzhii, V. I. Manifestation of plasmonic response in the detection of sub-terahertz radiation by graphene-based devices 2018 Nanotechnol. 29 245204 (1 to 8) details   doi
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