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Gol'tsman, G.; Minaeva, O.; Korneev, A.; Tarkhov, M.; Rubtsova, I.; Divochiy, A.; Milostnaya, I.; Chulkova, G.; Kaurova, N.; Voronov, B.; Pan, D.; Kitaygorsky, J.; Cross, A.; Pearlman, A.; Komissarov, I.; Slysz, W.; Wegrzecki, M.; Grabiec, P.; Sobolewski, R. |
Middle-infrared to visible-light ultrafast superconducting single-photon detectors |
2007 |
IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. |
17 |
246-251 |
Okunev, O.; Chulkova, G.; Milostnaya, I.; Antipov, A.; Smirnov, K.; Morozov, D.; Korneev, A.; Voronov, B.; Gol’tsman, G.; Slysz, W.; Wegrzecki, M.; Bar, J.; Grabiec, P.; Górska, M.; Pearlman, A.; Cross, A.; Kitaygorsky, J.; Sobolewski, R. |
Registration of infrared single photons by a two-channel receiver based on fiber-coupled superconducting single-photon detectors |
2008 |
Proc. SPIE |
7009 |
70090V (1 to 8) |
Okunev, O.; Chulkova, G.; Milostnaya, I.; Antipov, A.; Smirnov, K.; Morozov, D.; Korneev, A.; Voronov, B.; Gol’tsman, G.; Stysz, W.; Wegrzecki, M.; Bar, J.; Grabiec, P.; Gorska, M.; Pearlman, A.; Cross, A.; Kitaygorsky, J.; Sobolewski, R. |
Registration of infrared single photons by a two-channel receiver based on fiber-coupled superconducting single-photon detectors |
2005 |
Proc. 2-nd CAOL |
2 |
282-285 |
Slysz, W.; Wegrzecki, M.; Bar, J.; Grabiec, P.; Gol'tsman, G. N.; Verevkin, M.; Sobolewski, R. |
NbN superconducting single-photon detectors coupled with a communication fiber |
2004 |
37 |
1-2 |
Slysz, W.; Wegrzecki, M.; Bar, J.; Grabiec, P.; Górska, M.; Latta, C.; Zwiller, V.; Pearlman, A.; Cross, A.; Korneev, A.; Kouminov, P.; Smirnov, K.; Voronov, B.; Gol’tsman, G.; Verevkin, A.; Currie, M.; Sobolewski, R. |
Fiber-coupled quantum-communications receiver based on two NbN superconducting single-photon detectors |
2005 |
Proc. SPIE |
5957 |
59571K (1 to 10) |
Slysz, W.; Wegrzecki, M.; Bar, J.; Grabiec, P.; Gorska, M.; Rieger, E.; Dorenbos, P.; Zwiller, V.; Milostnaya, I.; Minaeva, O.; Antipov, A.; Okunev, O.; Korneev, A.; Smirnov, K.; Voronov, B.; Kaurova, N.; Gol’tsman, G.N.; Kitaygorsky, J.; Pan, D.; Pearlman, A.; Cross, A.; Komissarov, I.; Sobolewski, R. |
Fiber-coupled NbN superconducting single-photon detectors for quantum correlation measurements |
2007 |
Proc. SPIE |
6583 |
65830J (1 to 11) |
Słysz, W.; Węgrzecki, M.; Bar, J.; Grabiec, P.; Gol'tsman, G. N.; Verevkin, A.; Sobolewski, R. |
NbN superconducting single-photon detector coupled with a communication fiber |
2005 |
Elektronika : konstrukcje, technologie, zastosowania |
46 |
51-52 |
Słysz, W.; Węgrzecki, M.; Bar, J.; Grabiec, P.; Górska, M.; Zwiller, V.; Latta, C.; Bohi, P.; Milostnaya, I.; Minaeva, O.; Antipov, A.; Okunev, O.; Korneev, A.; Smirnov, K.; Voronov, B.; Kaurova, N.; Gol’tsman, G.; Pearlman, A.; Cross, A.; Komissarov, I.; Verevkin, A.; Sobolewski, R. |
Fiber-coupled single-photon detectors based on NbN superconducting nanostructures for practical quantum cryptography and photon-correlation studies |
2006 |
Appl. Phys. Lett. |
88 |
261113 (1 to 3) |
Słysz, W.; Wegrzecki, M.; Bar, J.; Grabiec, P.; Górska, M.; Zwiller, V.; Latta, C.; Böhi, P.; Pearlman, A.J.; Cross, A.S.; Pan, D.; Kitaygorsky, J.; Komissarov, I.; Verevkin, A.; Milostnaya, I.; Korneev, A.; Minayeva, O.; Chulkova, G.; Smirnov, K.; Voronov, B.; Gol’tsman, G.N.; Sobolewski, R. |
Fibre-coupled, single photon detector based on NbN superconducting nanostructures for quantum communications |
2007 |
J. Modern Opt. |
54 |
315-326 |