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Lobanov, Yury; Shcherbatenko, Michael; Shurakov, Alexander; Rodin, Alexander V.; Klimchuk, Artem; Nadezhdinsky, Alexander I.; Maslennikov, Sergey; Larionov, Pavel; Finkel, Matvey; Semenov, Alexander; Verevkin, Aleksandr A.; Voronov, Boris M.; Ponurovsky, Yakov; Klapwijk, Teunis M.; Gol'tsman, Gregory N. Heterodyne detection at near-infrared wavelengths with a superconducting NbN hot-electron bolometer mixer 2014 Opt. Lett. 39 1429-1432 details   doi
Shcherbatenko, Michael; Lobanov, Yury; Benderov, Oleg; Shurakov, Alexander; Ignatov, Anton; Titova, Nadezhda; Finkel, Matvey; Maslennikov, Sergey; Kaurova, Natalya; Voronov, Boris M.; Rodin, Alexander; Klapwijk, Teunis M.; Gol'tsman, Gregory N. Antenna-coupled 30 THz hot electron bolometer mixers 2015 Proc. 26th Int. Symp. Space Terahertz Technol. 27 details   url
Shurakov, Alexander; Maslennikov, Sergey; Tong, Cheuk-yu E.; Gol’tsman, Gregory Performance of an HEB direct detector utilizing a microwave reflection readout scheme 2015 Proc. 26th Int. Symp. Space Terahertz Technol. 36 details   url
Shurakov, Alexander; Tong, Cheuk-yu E.; Blundell, Raymond; Gol’tsman, Gregory A microwave pumped HEB direct detector using a homodyne readout scheme 2014 Proc. 25th Int. Symp. Space Terahertz Technol. 129 details   url
Shurakov, Alexander; Tong, Edward; Blundell, Raymond; Gol'tsman, Gregory Microwave stabilization of HEB mixer by a microchip controller 2012 IEEE MTT-S international microwave symposium digest 1-3 details   openurl
Tong, C. Edward; Trifonov, Andrey; Blundell, Raymond; Shurakov, Alexander; Gol’tsman, Gregory A digital terahertz power meter based on an NbN thin film 2014 Proc. 25th Int. Symp. Space Terahertz Technol. 170 details   url
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