Author |
Title |
Year |
Publication |
Volume |
Pages |
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Dauler, Eric; Kerman, Andrew; Robinson, Bryan; Yang, Joel; Voronov, Boris; Goltsman, Gregory; Hamilton, Scott; Berggren, Karl |
Photon-number-resolution with sub-30-ps timing using multi-element superconducting nanowire single photon detectors |
2009 |
J. Modern Opt. |
56 |
364-373 |
Finkel, Matvey; Vachtomin, Yuriy; Antipov, Sereey; Drakinski, Vladimir; Kaurova, Natalia; Voronov, Boris; Goltsman, Greeory |
Gain bandwidth and noise temperature of NbTiN HEB mixer |
2003 |
Proc. 14th Int. Symp. Space Terahertz Technol. |
276-285 |
Gol'tsman, Gregory N.; Vachtomin, Yuriy B.; Antipov, Sergey V.; Finkel, Matvey I.; Maslennikov, Sergey N.; Smirnov, Konstantin V.; Polyakov, Stanislav L.; Svechnikov, Sergey I.; Kaurova, Natalia S.; Grishina, Elisaveta V.; Voronov, Boris M. |
NbN phonon-cooled hot-electron bolometer mixer for terahertz heterodyne receivers |
2005 |
Proc. SPIE |
5727 |
95-106 |
Gol'tsman, Gregory; Semenov, Alexei; Smirnov, Konstantin; Voronov, Boris |
Background limited quantum superconducting detector for submillimeter wavelengths |
2001 |
Proc. 12th Int. Symp. Space Terahertz Technol. |
469-475 |
Goltsman, Gregory N.; Vachtomin, Yuriy B.; Antipov, Sergey V.; Finkel, Matvey I.; Maslennikov, Sergey N.; Polyakov, Stanislav L.; Svechnikov, Sergey I.; Kaurova, Natalia S.; Grishina, Elisaveta V.; Voronov, Boris M. |
Low-noise NbN phonon-cooled hot-electron bolometer mixers for terahertz heterodyne receivers |
2005 |
Proc. 9-th WMSCI |
9 |
154-159 |