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Antipov S, Trifonov A, Krause S, Meledin D, Kaurova N, Rudzinski M, et al. Improved bandwidth of a 2 THz hot-electron bolometer heterodyne mixer fabricated on sapphire with a GaN buffer layer. Supercond Sci Technol. 2019;32(7):075003.
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Ren Y, Zhang DX, Zhou KM, Miao W, Zhang W, Shi SC, et al. 10.6 μm heterodyne receiver based on a superconducting hot-electron bolometer mixer and a quantum cascade laser. AIP Advances. 2019;9(7):075307.
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Tretyakov I, Kaurova N, Voronov BM, Goltsman GN. About effect of the temperature operating conditions on the noise temperature and noise bandwidth of the terahertz range NbN hot-electron bolometers [abstract]. In: Proc. 29th Int. Symp. Space Terahertz Technol.; 2018. 113.
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Tretyakov IV, Anfertyev VA, Revin LS, Kaurova NS, Voronov BM, Vaks VL, et al. Sensitivity and resolution of a heterodyne receiver based on the NbN HEB mixer with a quantum-cascade laser as a local oscillator. Radiophys Quant Electron. 2018;60(12):988–92.
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Anfertev V, Vaks V, Revin L, Pentin I, Tretyakov I, Goltsman G, et al. High resolution THz gas spectrometer based on semiconductor and superconductor devices. In: EPJ Web Conf. Vol 132.; 2017. 02001 (1 to 2).
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Antipov S, Trifonov A, Krause S, Meledin D, Desmaris V, Belitsky V, et al. Gain bandwidth of NbN HEB mixers on GaN buffer layer operating at 2 THz local oscillator frequency. In: Proc. 28th Int. Symp. Space Terahertz Technol.; 2017. p. 147–8.
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Klapwijk TM, Semenov AV. Engineering physics of superconducting hot-electron bolometer mixers. IEEE Trans THz Sci Technol. 2017;7(6):627–48.
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Krause S, Mityashkin V, Antipov S, Gol’tsman G, Meledin D, Desmaris V, et al. Reduction of phonon escape time for nbn hot electron bolometers by using gan buffer layers. IEEE Trans Terahertz Sci Technol. 2017;7(1):53–9.
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Pentin I, Finkel M, Maslennikov S, Vakhtomin Y, Smirnov K, Kaurova N, et al. Superconducting hot-electron-bolometer mixers for the mid-IR. Rus J Radio Electron [Internet]. 2017 [cited 2024 Sep 25];(10): Available from:
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Seliverstov SV, Anfertyev VA, Tretyakov IV, Ozheredov IA, Solyankin PM, Revin LS, et al. Terahertz heterodyne receiver with an electron-heating mixer and a heterodyne based on the quantum-cascade laser. Radiophys Quant Electron. 2017;60(7):518–24.
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