Cherednichenko S, Kroug M, Yagoubov P, Merkel H, Kollberg E, Yngvesson KS, et al. IF bandwidth of phonon cooled HEB mixers made from NbN films on MgO substrates. In: Proc. 11th Int. Symp. Space Terahertz Technol.; 2000. p. 219–27.
Abstract: An investigation of gain and noise bandwidth of phonon-cooled hot-electron bolometric (HEB) mixers is presented. The radiation coupling to the mixers is quasioptical through either a spiral or twin-slot antenna. A maximum gain bandwidth of 4.8 GHz is obtained for mixers based on a 3.5 nm thin NbN film with Tc= 10 K. The noise bandwidth is 5.6 GHz, at the moment limited by parasitic elements in the, device mount fixture. At 0.65 THz the DSB receiver noise temperature is 700-800 К in the IF band 1-2 GHz, and 1150-2700 К in the band 3.5-7 GHz.