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Goltsman, G. N.; Shcherbatenko, M. L.; Lobanov, Y. V.; Kovalyuk, V. V.; Kahl, O.; Ferrari, S.; Korneev, A.; Pernice, W. H. P. Superconducting nanowire single photon detector for coherent detection of weak optical signals 2016 LPHYS'16 1-2 details   url
Kovalyuk, V.; Ferrari, S.; Kahl, O.; Semenov, A.; Lobanov, Y.; Shcherbatenko, M.; Korneev, A.; Pernice, W.; Goltsman, G. Waveguide integrated superconducting single-photon detector for on-chip quantum and spectral photonic application 2017 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 917 062032 details   doi
Kovalyuk, V.; Ferrari, S.; Kahl, O.; Semenov, A.; Shcherbatenko, M.; Lobanov, Y.; Ozhegov, R.; Korneev, A.; Kaurova, N.; Voronov, B.; Pernice, W.; Gol'tsman, G. On-chip coherent detection with quantum limited sensitivity 2017 Sci Rep 7 4812 details   doi
Lobanov, Y. V.; Shcherbatenko, M. L.; Semenov, A. V.; Kovalyuk, V. V.; Korneev, A. A.; Goltsman, G. N.; Vinogradov, E. A.; Naumov, A. V.; Gladush, M. G.; Karimullin, K. R. Heterodyne spectroscopy with superconducting single-photon detector 2017 EPJ Web Conf. 132 01005 details   doi
Lobanov, Y. V.; Tong, Cheuk-Yu E.; Hedden, A. S.; Blundell, R.; Gol'tsman, G. N. Microwave-assisted슠measurement슠of the슠frequency슠response슠of슠terahertz슠HEB슠mixers슠with a슠fourier슠transform슠spectrometer 2010 21st International Symposium on Space Terahertz Technology 420-423 details   openurl
Lobanov, Y. V.; Vakhtomin, Y. B.; Pentin, I. V.; Khabibullin, R. A.; Shchavruk, N. V.; Smirnov, K. V.; Silaev, A. A. Characterization of the THz quantum cascade laser using fast superconducting hot electron bolometer 2018 EPJ Web Conf. 195 04004 (1 to 2) details   doi
Lobanov, Y. V.; Vakhtomin, Y. B.; Pentin, I. V.; Rosental, V. A.; Smirnov, K. V.; Goltsman, G. N.; Volkov, O. Y.; Dyuzhikov, I. N.; Galiev, R. R.; Ponomarev, D. S.; Khabibullin, R. A. Time-resolved measurements of light–current characteristic and mode competition in pulsed THz quantum cascade laser 2021 Optical Engineering 60 1-8 details   doi
Lobanov, Y.; Shcherbatenko, M.; Finkel, M.; Maslennikov, S.; Semenov, A.; Voronov, B. M.; Rodin, A. V.; Klapwijk, T. M.; Gol'tsman, G. N. NbN hot-electron-bolometer mixer for operation in the near-IR frequency range 2015 IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 25 2300704 (1 to 4) details   doi
Lobanov, Y.; Shcherbatenko, M.; Semenov, A.; Kovalyuk, V.; Kahl, O.; Ferrari, S.; Korneev, A.; Ozhegov, R.; Kaurova, N.; Voronov, B. M.; Pernice, W. H. P.; Gol'tsman, G. N. Superconducting nanowire single photon detector for coherent detection of weak signals 2017 IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond. 27 1-5 details   doi
Lobanov, Y.; Tong, C.; Blundell, R.; Gol'tsman, G. A study of direct detection effect on the linearity of hot electron bolometer mixers 2009 Proc. 20th Int. Symp. Space Terahertz Technol. 282-287 details   url
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