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ГОСТ 19.401-78. ЕСПД. Текст программы. Требования к содержанию и оформлению 1983 1 details   openurl
Archer, J. W. Multiple mixer, cryogenic receiver for 200-350 GHz 1983 Rev. Sci. Instrum. 54 1371-1376 details   openurl
Feldman, M. J.; Rudner, S. Mixing with SIS arrays 1983 Reviews of Infrared and Millimeter-Waves 1 47 details   openurl
Gershenson, E. M.; Gol'tsman, G. N.; Elant'ev, A. I.; Kagane, M. L.; Multanovskii, V. V.; Ptitsina, N. G. Use of submillimeter backward-wave tube spectroscopy in determination of the chemical nature and concentration of residual impurities in pure semiconductors 1983 Sov. Phys. Semicond. 17 908-913 details   url
Gershenzon, E. M.; Gol'tsman, G. N.; Multanovskii, V. V.; Ptitsina, N. G. Kinetics of electron and hole binding into excitons in germanium 1983 Sov. Phys. JETP 57 369-376 details   url
Gershenzon, E. M.; Gol'tsman, G. N.; Semenov, A. D. Submillimeter backward wave tube spectrometer for measuring superconducting film transmission 1983 Pribory i Tekhnika Eksperimenta 26 134-137 details   url
Perrin, N.; Vanneste, C. Response of superconducting films to a periodic optical irradiation 1983 Phys. Rev. B 28 5150-5159 details   doi
Rothermel, H.; Käufl, H. U.; Yu, Y. A heterodyne spectrometer for astronomical measurements at 10 micrometers 1983 Astron. Astrophys. 126 387-392 details   openurl
Taylor, F.W. Atmospheric physics: Natural lasers on Venus and Mars 1983 Nature 306 640-640 details   doi
Tokunaga, Alan T. High resolution infrared spectroscopy of planetary atmospheres 1983 Astron. Soc. Pacific. Pub. 95 691-699 details   openurl
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