Korneev, A., Divochiy, A., Marsili, F., Bitauld, D., Fiore, A., Seleznev, V., et al. (2008). Superconducting photon number resolving counter for near infrared applications. In P. Tománek, D. Senderáková, & M. Hrabovský (Eds.), Proc. SPIE (Vol. 7138, 713828 (1 to 5)). Spie.
Abstract: We present a novel concept of photon number resolving detector based on 120-nm-wide superconducting stripes made of 4-nm-thick NbN film and connected in parallel (PNR-SSPD). The detector consisting of 5 strips demonstrate a capability to resolve up to 4 photons absorbed simultaneously with the single-photon quantum efficiency of 2.5% and negligibly low dark count rate.