Chen, J., Kang, L., Jin, B. B., Xu, W. W., Wu, P. H., Zhang, W., et al. (2008). Properties of terahertz superconducting hot electron bolometer mixers. Int. J. Terahertz Sci. Technol., 1(1), 37–41.
Abstract: A quasi-optical superconducting niobium nitride (NbN) hot electron bolometer (HEB) mixer has been fabricated and measured in the terahertz (THz) frequency range of 0.5~2.52 THz. A receiver noise temperature of 2000 K at 2.52 THz has been obtained for the mixer without corrections. Also, the effect of a Parylene C anti-reflection (AR) coating on the silicon (Si) lens has been studied.
Gol'tsman, G. N., Karasik, B. S., Svechnikov, S. I., Gershenzon, E. M., Ekström, H., & Kollberg E. (1995). Noise temperature of NbN hot—electron quasioptical superconducting mixer in 200-700 GHz range. In Proc. 6th Int. Symp. Space Terahertz Technol. (268).
Abstract: The electron heating effect in superconducting films is becoming very attractive for the development of THz range mixers because of the absence of frequency limitations inherent in the bolometric mechanism. However, the evidence for the spectral dependence of the position of optimal operating point has been found recently for NbN thin film devices 1.2 • The effect is presumably attributed to the variation in the absorption of radiation depending on the frequency. Since the resistive state is not spatially uniform the coupling efficiency of the mixer device with radiation can be different for frequencies larger than Zeilh and those smaller than 2Alh (d is the effective superconducting gap in the resistive state). To study the effect more thoroughly we have investigated the noise temperature of quasioptical NbN mixer device with broken hue tapered slot antenna in the frequency range 200-700 GHz. The device consists of several (5-10) parallel strips 1 jim wide and 6-7 tun thick made from NbN film on Si0 2 -Si 3 N 4 -Si membrane. The strips are connected with the gold contacts of the slot-line antenna which serves both as bias and IF leads. We used backward wave oscillators as LO sources and a standard hot/cold load technique for noise temperature measurements. The frequency dependence of noise temperature is mainly determined by two factors: frequency properties of the antenna and frequency dependence of the NbN film impedance. To separate both factors we monitored the frequency dependence of the device responsivity in the detector mode at a higher temperature within the superconducting transition where the impedance of NbN film is close to its normal resistance. In this case the impedance of the device itself is frequency independent. The experimental results will be reported at the Symposium. 1. G. Gollsman, S. Jacobsson, H. EkstrOm, B. Karasik, E. Kollberg, and E. Gershenzon, “Slot-line tapered antenna with NbN hot electron mixer for 300-360 GHz operation,” Proc of the 5th Int. Symp. on Space Terahertz Technology, pp. 209-213a, May 10-12,1994. 2. B.S. Karasik, G.N. Gol i tsman, B.M. Voronov, S.I. Svechnikov, E.M. Gershenzon, H. Ekstrom, S. Jacobsson, E. Kollberg, and K.S. Yngvesson, “Hot electron quasioptical NbN superconducting mixer,” presented at the ASC94, submitted to IEEE Trans. on Appl. Superconductivity.
Jiang, L., Antipov, S. V., Voronov, B. M., Gol'tsman, G. N., Zhang, W., Li, N., et al. (2007). Characterization of the performance of a quasi-optical NbN superconducting HEB mixer. IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., 17(2), 395–398.
Abstract: In this paper we focus mainly on the investigation of the performance of a quasi-optical (planar log-spiral antenna) phonon-cooled NbN superconducting hot electron bolometer (HEB) mixer, which is cryogenically cooled by a close-cycled 4-K cryocooler, at 500 and 850 GHz frequency bands. The mixer's noise performance, stability of IF output power, and local oscillator (LO) power requirement are characterized for three NbN superconducting HEB devices of different sizes. The transmission characteristics of Mylar and Zitex films with incidence waves of an elliptical polarization are also examined by measuring the mixer's noise temperature. The lowest receiver noise temperatures (with no corrections) of 750 and 1100 K are measured at 500 and 850 GHz, respectively. Experimental results also demonstrate that the bigger the HEB device is, the higher the stability of IF output power becomes.
Yagoubov, P., Kroug, M., Merkel, H., Kollberg, E., Gol'tsman, G., Svechnikov, S., et al. (1998). Noise temperature and local oscillator power requirement of NbN phonon-cooled hot electron bolometric mixers at terahertz frequencies. Appl. Phys. Lett., 73(19), 2814–2816.
Abstract: In this letter, the noise performance of NbN-based phonon-cooled hot electron bolometric quasioptical mixers is investigated in the 0.55–1.1 THz frequency range. The best results of the double-sideband <cd><2018>DSB<cd><2019> noise temperature are: 500 K at 640 GHz, 600 K at 750 GHz, 850 K at 910 GHz, and 1250 K at 1.1 THz. The water vapor in the signal path causes significant contribution to the measured receiver noise temperature around 1.1 THz. The devices are made from 3-nm-thick NbN film on high-resistivity Si and integrated with a planar spiral antenna on the same substrate. The in-plane dimensions of the bolometer strip are typically 0.2Ï«2 um. The amount of local oscillator power absorbed in the bolometer is less than 100 nW.
Zhang, W., Li, N., Jiang, L., Ren, Y., Yao, Q. - J., Lin, Z. - H., et al. (2008). Dependence of noise temperature of quasi-optical superconducting hot-electron bolometer mixers on bath temperature and optical-axis displacement. In C. Zhang, & X. - C. Zhang (Eds.), Proc. SPIE (Vol. 6840, 684007 (1 to 8)). Spie.
Abstract: It is known that the increase of bath temperature results in the decrease of critical current of superconducting hot-electron bolometer (HEB) mixers owing to the depression of superconductivity, thus leading to the degradation of the mixer’s sensitivity. Here we report our study on the effect of bath temperature on the heterodyne mixing performance of quasi-optical superconducting NbN HEB mixers incorporated with a two-arm log-spiral antenna. The correlation between the bath temperature, critical current, LO power requirement and noise temperature is investigated at 0.5 THz. Furthermore, the heterodyne mixing performance of quasi-optical superconducting NbN HEB mixers is examined while there is an optical-axis displacement between the center of the extended hemispherical silicon lens and the superconducting NbN HEB device, which is placed on the back of the lens. Detailed experimental results and analysis are presented.