Arutyunov, K. Y., Ramos-Alvarez, A., Semenov, A. V., Korneeva, Y. P., An, P. P., Korneev, A. A., et al. (2016). Superconductivity in highly disordered NbN nanowires. Nanotechnol., 27(47), 47lt02 (1 to 8).
Abstract: The topic of superconductivity in strongly disordered materials has attracted significant attention. These materials appear to be rather promising for fabrication of various nanoscale devices such as bolometers and transition edge sensors of electromagnetic radiation. The vividly debated subject of intrinsic spatial inhomogeneity responsible for the non-Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer relation between the superconducting gap and the pairing potential is crucial both for understanding the fundamental issues of superconductivity in highly disordered superconductors, and for the operation of corresponding nanoelectronic devices. Here we report an experimental study of the electron transport properties of narrow NbN nanowires with effective cross sections of the order of the debated inhomogeneity scales. The temperature dependence of the critical current follows the textbook Ginzburg-Landau prediction for the quasi-one-dimensional superconducting channel I c approximately (1-T/T c)(3/2). We find that conventional models based on the the phase slip mechanism provide reasonable fits for the shape of R(T) transitions. Better agreement with R(T) data can be achieved assuming the existence of short 'weak links' with slightly reduced local critical temperature T c. Hence, one may conclude that an 'exotic' intrinsic electronic inhomogeneity either does not exist in our structures, or, if it does exist, it does not affect their resistive state properties, or does not provide any specific impact distinguishable from conventional weak links.
Arutyunov, K. Y., Ramos-Álvarez, A., Semenov, A. V., Korneeva, Y. P., An, P. P., Korneev, A. A., et al. (2016). Quasi-1-dimensional superconductivity in highly disordered NbN nanowires. arXiv:1602.07932v1 [cond-mat.supr-con]. Retrieved March 6, 2025, from https://arxiv.org/abs/1602.07932v1
Abstract: The topic of superconductivity in strongly disordered materials has attracted a significant attention. In particular vivid debates are related to the subject of intrinsic spatial inhomogeneity responsible for non-BCS relation between the superconducting gap and the pairing potential. Here we report experimental study of electron transport properties of narrow NbN nanowires with effective cross sections of the order of the debated inhomogeneity scales. We find that conventional models based on phase slip concept provide reasonable fits for the shape of the R(T) transition curve. Temperature dependence of the critical current follows the text-book Ginzburg-Landau prediction for quasi-one-dimensional superconducting channel Ic~(1-T/Tc)^3/2. Hence, one may conclude that the intrinsic electronic inhomogeneity either does not exist in our structures, or, if exist, does not affect their resistive state properties.
Peltonen, J. T., Astafiev, O. V., Korneeva, Y. P., Voronov, B. M., Korneev, A. A., Charaev, I. M., et al. (2013). Coherent flux tunneling through NbN nanowires. Phys. Rev. B, 88(22), 220506 (1 to 5).
Abstract: We demonstrate evidence of coherent magnetic flux tunneling through superconducting nanowires patterned in a thin highly disordered NbN film. The phenomenon is revealed as a superposition of flux states in a fully metallic superconducting loop with the nanowire acting as an effective tunnel barrier for the magnetic flux, and reproducibly observed in different wires. The flux superposition achieved in the fully metallic NbN rings proves the universality of the phenomenon previously reported for InOx. We perform microwave spectroscopy and study the tunneling amplitude as a function of the wire width, compare the experimental results with theories, and estimate the parameters for existing theoretical models.