Korneev, A., Divochiy, A., Tarkhov, M., Minaeva, O., Seleznev, V., Kaurova, N., et al. (2008). Superconducting NbN-nanowire single-photon detectors capable of photon number resolving. In Supercond. News Forum.
Abstract: We present our latest generation of ultra-fast superconducting NbN single-photon detectors (SSPD) capable of photon-number resolving (PNR). The novel SSPDs combine 10 μm x 10 μm active area with low kinetic inductance and PNR capability. That resulted in significantly reduced photoresponse pulse duration, allowing for GHz counting rates. The detector’s response magnitude is directly proportional to the number of incident photons, which makes this feature easy to use. We present experimental data on the performance of the PNR SSPDs. These detectors are perfectly suited for fibreless free-space telecommunications, as well as for ultra-fast quantum cryptography and quantum computing.
Moshkova, M., Divochiy, A., Morozov, P., Vakhtomin, Y., Antipov, A., Zolotov, P., et al. (2019). High-performance superconducting photon-number-resolving detectors with 86% system efficiency at telecom range. J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, 36(3), B20.
Abstract: The use of improved fabrication technology, highly disordered NbN thin films, and intertwined section topology makes it possible to create high-performance photon-number-resolving superconducting single-photon detectors (PNR SSPDs) that are comparable to conventional single-element SSPDs at the telecom range. The developed four-section PNR SSPD has simultaneously an 86±3% system detection efficiency, 35 cps dark count rate, ∼2 ns dead time, and maximum 90 ps jitter. An investigation of the PNR SSPD’s detection efficiency for multiphoton events shows good uniformity across sections. As a result, such a PNR SSPD is a good candidate for retrieving the photon statistics for light sources and quantum key distribution systems.
Smirnov, K., Moshkova, M., Antipov, A., Morozov, P., & Vakhtomin, Y. (2021). The cascade switching of the photon number resolving superconducting single-photon detectors. IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., 31(2), 1–4.
Abstract: In this article, present the first detailed study of cascade switching in superconducting photon number resolving detectors. The detectors were made in the form of four parallel nanowires, coupled with the single-mode optical fiber and mounted into a closed-cycle refrigerator with a temperature of 2.1 K. We found out the value of additional false pulses (N cas.sw. ) appearing due to cascade switching and showed that it is possible to set up the detector bias current that corresponds to a high level of the detection efficiency and a low level of N cas.sw. simultaneously. We reached the detection efficiency of 60% and N cas.sw. = 0.3%.
Zolotov, P., Divochiy, A., Vakhtomin, Y., Moshkova, M., Morozov, P., Seleznev, V., et al. (2018). Photon-number-resolving SSPDs with system detection efficiency over 50% at telecom range. In Proc. AIP Conf. (Vol. 1936, 020019).
Abstract: We used technology of making high-efficiency superconducting single-photon detectors as a basis for improvement of photon-number-resolving devices. By adding optical cavity and using an improved NbN superconducting film, we enhanced previously reported system detection efficiency at telecom range for such detectors. Our results show that implementation of optical cavity helps to develop four-section device with quantum efficiency over 50% at 1.55 µm. Performed experimental studies of detecting multi-photon optical pulses showed irregularities over defining multi-photon through single-photon quantum efficiency.
Елезов, М. С., Корнеев, А. А., Дивочий, А. В., & Гольцман, Г. Н. (2009). Сверхпроводящие однофотонные детекторы с разрешением числа фотонов. In Науч. сессия МИФИ (pp. 47–58).