Goltsman, G. N., Korneev, A. A., Finkel, M. I., Divochiy, A. V., Florya, I. N., Korneeva, Y. P., et al. (2010). Superconducting hot-electron bolometer as THz mixer, direct detector and IR single-photon counter. In 35th Int. Conf. Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (p. 1).
Abstract: We present a new generation of superconducting single-photon detectors (SSPDs) and hot-electron superconducting sensors with record characteristic for many terahertz and optical applications.
Gol’tsman, G. N. (2014). Overview of recent results for superconducting NbN terahertz and optical detectors and mixers.
Abstract: We present our recent achievements in the development of sensitive and ultrafast thin-film superconducting sensors: hot-electron bolometers (HEB), HEB-mixers for terahertz range and infrared single-photon counters. These sensors have already demonstrated a performance that makes them devices-of-choice for many terahertz and optical applications.
Sidorova, M., Semenov, A. D., Hübers, H. - W., Ilin, K., Siegel, M., Charaev, I., et al. (2020). Electron energy relaxation in disordered superconducting NbN films. Phys. Rev. B, 102(5), 054501 (1 to 15).
Abstract: We report on the inelastic-scattering rate of electrons on phonons and relaxation of electron energy studied by means of magnetoconductance, and photoresponse, respectively, in a series of strongly disordered superconducting NbN films. The studied films with thicknesses in the range from 3 to 33 nm are characterized by different Ioffe-Regel parameters but an almost constant product qTl (qT is the wave vector of thermal phonons and l is the elastic mean free path of electrons). In the temperature range 14–30 K, the electron-phonon scattering rates obey temperature dependencies close to the power law 1/τe−ph∼Tn with the exponents n≈3.2–3.8. We found that in this temperature range τe−ph and n of studied films vary weakly with the thickness and square resistance. At 10 K electron-phonon scattering times are in the range 11.9–17.5 ps. The data extracted from magnetoconductance measurements were used to describe the experimental photoresponse with the two-temperature model. For thick films, the photoresponse is reasonably well described without fitting parameters, however, for thinner films, the fit requires a smaller heat capacity of phonons. We attribute this finding to the reduced density of phonon states in thin films at low temperatures. We also show that the estimated Debye temperature in the studied NbN films is noticeably smaller than in bulk material.
Smirnov, K. V., Vakhtomin, Y. B., Divochiy, A. V., Ozhegov, R. V., Pentin, I. V., & Gol'tsman, G. N. (2010). Infrared and terahertz detectors on basis of superconducting nanostructures. In IEEE (Ed.), Microwave and Telecom. Technol. (CriMiCo), 20th Int. Crimean Conf. (pp. 823–824).
Abstract: Results of development of single-photon receiving systems of visible, infrared and terahertz range based on thin-film superconducting nanostructures are presented. The receiving systems are produced on the basis of superconducting nanostructures, which function by means of hot-electron phenomena.
Пентин, И. В., Смирнов, К. В., Вахтомин, Ю. Б., Смирнов, А. В., Ожегов, Р. В., Дивочий, А. В., et al. (2011). Быстродействующий терагерцевый приемник и инфракрасный счетчик одиночных фотонов на эффекте разогрева электронов в сверхпроводниковых тонкопленочных наноструктурах. Труды МФТИ, 3(2), 38–42.
Abstract: Представлены результаты создания приемных систем терагерцевого диапазона (0.3-70 ТГц), обладающих рекордным быстродействием (50 пс) и высокой чувствительностью (до 5x 10^(-14) Вт/Гц^(1/2)), а также однофотонных приемных систем ближнего инфракрасного диапазона с квантовой эффективностью 25 %, уровнем темнового счета 10-1c., максимальной скоростью счета ~ 100 МГц и временным разрешением до 50 пс.